20-42: Hi-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2016-09-03 02:19:41
And with that, our chapter comes to a close! This has been a bit of a different story than usual... especially in regards to Jenna's relationship with Lisette. I'm sure that some of you will be upset that they didn't actually have sex in this chapter, but I hope that everyone appreciates what it all means for Jenna's character.
In the last panel I had actually put some of the dancing silhouette figures I'd used earlier to imply the crowd, but honestly I found them kind of... distracting. I kind of enjoyed just the light show behind them a little more. Lol plus I always enjoy these moments where we show off how Jenna is a little out of touch with modern slang... I feel like it adds to her Milfy-ness.