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Trixie's bio is a little longer than the others, partly because, for these  characters that aren't as much in the spotlight of the story, these bios are meant to be a way for us to flesh out these characters more for fans who are interested in them. It's kind of funny because we don't necessarily have full bios written for these characters ahead of time... but we try to make sense of some of  the details from the story when we finalize them for these bios. For example, we hadn't initially planned for Trixie to have an interest in sewing, but since she's already shown up in an elaborate costume, it makes sense for her. As well, the fact that she wanted to gain weight led to the idea that she was teased about how thin she was growing up. Lol although the cheerleading thing is just from the story, since we were planning for her to be in a cheerleading scene in an upcoming chapter.



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