Side Dishes 4-44 PSD (Patreon)
Next weekend will be the last two pages of this chapter, then the weekend after that I'll take off to give myself a break, then we're going to start another chapter of Banana Shortcake. For those who have forgotten, Banana Shortcake is the series of short fan comics I produce regularly... so if you have an idea for a Banana Shortcake story (basically, anything that can be boiled down to a single sex scene) submit your idea here and I'll add it to my master list. But please, be a little specific... I've gotten a few suggestions that are essentially just "A ___ story", but that's really hard to work with. Even if you have an idea that seems too complex for 5 pages, go ahead and pitch the whole thing and we can try to figure out how to pare it down.
I think I made "Cassandra" a little more muscular in this page than she normally is... I'm going to go ahead and just chalk this up to Pink impersonating her a little incorrectly. I guess I just got a little too into the idea of a tall, muscular woman in frilly, slutty lingerie. I might try to find a way to dress "real" Cassandra from BCC in a similar oufit at some point... although I'm not sure about how frilly the outfit is. I find them to be very cute and sexy in clothing, but I don't like to use them too often because they always take a long time to render. Lol it's kind of like designing a character with chains on their clothes... even if rendered simply, it's still a big time sink each time they appear. Between her muscles and her frills, the first panel probably took about as long to ink as the rest of the page combined.