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I wasn't sure how it would feel to finally focus on Astrid, but what I ended up doing was looking up some "emotionless sex" hentai as inspiration. I feel like it's pretty different from what this comic usually focuses on, which is sex so intense that both parties go kind of crazy, so it will be fun to focus on someone who just doesn't react.

As for me... it's been kind of a weird month. I was planning to use this month to save up for October, since my wife and I have been wanting to do something for Halloween this year after dealing with lockdowns and places being closed for two years, but I've gotten a lot of surprise expenses. So fortunately my plan to save money by buying cheaper food, avoiding going out, and not buying videogames has helped this not become an emergency, but it's still an annoyance to deal with.




I hear you mate we gotta restamp the house, get a new bathroom put in, replaster the walls in 4 rooms then paint them and getting ready to go to the USA next year for 6 weeks (i live in Australia btw). So i understand


I guess I should be grateful that my surprise expenses aren't that extreme. Still, good luck with all that. I hope you enjoy your time in the US, and try not to gain too much weight... apparently that's a common problem, since American food is pretty universally given in much larger portions and is generally more fattening on top of that.