Bonus: Crits for Breakfast Group Shot 02: Hi-Res (Patreon)
Today has been kind of a hectic day... my wife needed to take her computer to an expert to get some repairs done, and while we were out doing that I started having car trouble. So I had to deal with that, and she couldn't get her work done until we could drive to the expert to pick up her computer... and on top of that, when we did arrive at the repair shop, the guy working there was closed to go to the post office, and well... just a lot of other stuff. Anyway, the important part is I wasn't able to work on a comic page.
Luckily I have some art to share. This is our group of characters for our upcoming D&D livestream, Crits for Breakfast. I'll be playing as the Tiefling (devil-guy, for anyone who doesn't play D&D). This campaign is set in a Wild West-inspired setting, and if you want to join us our plan is to stream Saturdays at 6:30 PM PST at I'll give a brief rundown of the characters for the curious:
First there is Lucy May Stonehearth, a Dwarven architect and fighter.
Then there's Diego Viola Alleghiri, a Tiefling artificer and general inventor/handyman.
Fiji Quickstep, a Tabaxi monk who works as delivery person.
Finally there's Dali, a Firbolg Druid and Native shaman who is monitoring the fledgling town of Rattle Ridge to make sure they abide by the treaties made with her tribe. Accompanying her is Goldie, a Sand Otter that can swim through sand.