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I keep flip-flopping on how much I want to use Twitter. On the one hand it feels casual and non-committal, but at the same time it's nearly impossible to express a well thought out opinion on there with the character limit. So even if you're not really upset by a particular thing, it's hard to give the idea context, and so it contributes to this sort of "binary" view of the world a a lot of people have... where things are either 100% good or 100% bad. As someone who owns a Blu-ray copy of Space Jam, I can safely say that not only can some things be both, but sometimes things can only be good because they're so bad.

Anyway, if you are curious, I'm @TransmorpherD on Twitter, and I'll either be posting multiple times a day, or go weeks completely forgetting I even have a twitter account.

And Remember to vote every day for the upcoming chapter of Shortcake! Everyone can vote once per day, every day, and each time you vote if you can't settle on one story you like, don't worry... you can select multiple options before you cast your vote. 



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