BCC 22-02: Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2016-12-08 03:30:49
So I didn't actually intend for Sister Inara to be black when i did the pencils and inks (hence why she has such European features). I had actuallly based her figure on Zarya from Overwatch. But when I sent the flats to CGI I deliberately didn't give him any real details on what she was meant to look like (aside from the color of her clothes), since I wanted to see what he'd come up with. Lol he actually didn't expect me to keep the colors he chose, but I liked how bold and exciting it was, so I stuck with it. If anything I guess her family is descended from whatever African tribe Elena from Street Fighter comes from. It's kind of funny, because if I had planned to have a muscular black cheerleading coach from the beginning, I probably would have used Jackie from Side Dishes, but at least we're showing some more diversity with our characters.