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I almost uploaded this when I realized I had forgotten the text on Anastasia's door, as well as Amber's freckles. The text on the door is one thing, but the Freckles are a very important part of Amber's look. 

I partly had Amber put on the towel because  I thought it would be sexy to see something loosely draped over her huge nipples, but also I kind of just wanted to save myself the effort of having to get the word "Lions" warped believably over her tits.

I don't have a specific design in mind for "The Finch". But I thought that familiarity between the two of them would help to make the world of the story feel a bit more "real". It's just a nickname Nina has for a specific person, and I think it helps to reaffirm their familiarity with each other to show that Amber knows exactly who she's talking about. It helps to show that the two characters are close... maybe even friends, even though neither of them have appeared together before  this point.



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