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I'm glad to finally get back to this series, but today has been pretty hectic and weird and I kind of just want to vent about it.

The bathtub in my apartment complex developed a large crack at the bottom and was leaking water into the apartment below us. As far as we can tell, this is because of some faulty foundation problems causing the house to shift and put stress on it (we also have a closet door that won't close, and can't open the door to our patio). So we've had to empty out our entire bathroom so maintenance can replace the tub, which also involves re-tiling a good portion of the bathroom as well, so we can't use our bathroom at all until they're finished.

As well, I had to take my wife to a doctor's appointment to get help with her severe allergies. That's a whole other problem, which is going to involve potentially months of followup visits and also ended up costing a decent chunk of change... although our new insurance helps... visiting an allergist wasn't covered at all by our previous insurance, so this is at least something. But all in all it's still thrown a wrench into everything we have planned.

I'm going to be out of my house for tomorrow... the repairs in the bathroom are still ongoing, and honestly we would have just left today if not for this doctor's appointment that was scheduled weeks in advance. But either way that's less work I'll be able to get done... just working on this page was a huge hassle what with workers coming in and out of my apartment all day long. Anyway, there's been a few other things... other than the bath most of what I've had to deal with is only minor annoyances, but it's frustrating that so many unrelated things in my apartment seem to be breaking all at once, especially since it seemed like things were about to  finally stabilize now that we're past the holidays.



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