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Sister Inara came about in a sort of weird way... I wanted to have a large, intimidating character to play the gym teacher, but I also wanted her to be kind of sexy, so I based her figure on Zarya from Overwatch. However, when I sent the page to CGI to flat, I didn't tell him what she should look like, and so he decided on her colors, and I thought it really helped her to stand out, so I just ran with it.

So now we have Sister Inara, who I guess is descended from the same African tribe as Elena from Street Fighter. She was also intended to be just a one-shot character that shows up for just this one scene, but unlike the other times where that kind of character has shown up and ended up reappearing in the comic because of fan reaction, I actually started thinking of how to get her involved with the story again myself just because I liked her design. So it will be a while, but she'll be back again at some point.

And there's still time to vote on the upcoming page of Side Dishes! Remember that you can select multiple options if you cant' settle on one, and if you do end up changing your mind about your vote you can actually change it in the future. 



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