Goodbye Dongaria 01: Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2017-02-17 05:30:58
This is a pretty interesting little project that CGI is commissioning. Babes of Dongaria is another futa comic that started around the same time as BCC, but the creators have had trouble keeping up with updates because of their regular job and other responsibilities, and so the series is drawing to a close. They've always been supportive of BCC, so I was happy to work on this story with CGI... we actually went back and forth a lot on what we wanted to do to commemorate the series, and after some discussion we've come up with a 3 page short story putting the Babes on a wacky adventure. So look forward to this for the remainder of the week, then we'll have another page of Side Dishes, then we'll finally get to chapter 23 of BCC on Monday.