Goodbye Dongaria 02: Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
I actually wasn't sure of how to handle the videogame world... my initial idea was for them to be actual game sprites just kind of grinding together, but lacking the animation to do anything more, but that would require designing sprites for the girls, which is actually really time consuming and not something I'm particularly good at.
Although the manga panel pretty much just happened naturally. It's not much different from how I normally draw... just with a different style of face and with the screeentone styled shading.
As for the comics panel... in the initial pitch it was Superman that was on the ground instead of supergirl, since that woudl probably have been funnier. But that's not really something I want to draw... I'd be willing to if a commissioner or something really wanted it, but I kind of know deep down that I'd be rushing to get it over with.
BTW, I also saved a version of this page without the effects on it... so the videogame panel isn't pixelated, the hentai panel isn't censored, and the last panel isn't filtered to look like it's a printed comic page. The jokes don't really make sense in that version, but you can at least see the art more clearly.