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I found it kind of interesting how much it improved the look of this pinup once I did the tanlines for Trixie. It's very subtle, but it adds something exciting.

Also, there's still time to offer suggestions for Side Dishes. I'll be accepting suggestions until Wednesday night, and then we'll start the poll back up and run them until Sunday morning.




Has Trixie achieve peak plumpness?


I think so? I think this is about as plump as Trixie can look before it becomes more goofy than sexy, at least by my standards. I know some Hyper lovers have no limit on that kind of thing, but I personally think after a character gets above a certain size it just seems more humorous than sexy.


In that case, I think we have similar tastes. It's all fantasy, but yeah go too far and it stops being sexy.


Will her newfound size and lactation volume be of use to the eel ricci bakery as a form of repayment?

Becky wild

Imagining Jenna being a little bloated from drinking that much milk🫣 🤷🏽‍♂️