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This page is finished just a bit earlier than usual because, paradoxically, I had a busy day today. I was given new tires as a very late birthday present (it's January 9th, btw), but they were gifted to me in such a way that I had to go to a specific mechanic that's not particularly close to my house,  since my step-mom ordered the tires online and had them delivered there. "Conveniently", I actually had run over a screw the other day, so I was in desperate need of new tires... I mean, aside from the fact that all my tires were pretty bald.

Most pages take me about 3-4 hours for the linework, and to keep myself from working too late I actually finished this page in about 2 hours, just to make sure I had enough time to switch my tire for a spare, drive out of town, then get my tire changed... and also do a bit of shopping, since I was plannign to be out anyway. However, to be honest the coloring almost always takes me longer than the rest of the comic. But since the base linework was relatively simple, I managed to get the coloring finished faster than usual. 

I kind of bet on the idea that readers would want to see this story move forward more than they would want the story to be delayed by a day to make this last page of the Lily/Jenna sex scene more complicated. Lol I hope I was right... that means that tomorrow I can focus on the Jenna/Lisette date... if I had gone the other way I probably would have not updated today just to make sure this page is more complex.




It seems Lily ass got big haha.