BCC 41-22: Low-Res Early Access (Patreon)
Oof... so this isn't a complicated page, but I had a computer crash while working on the shading and lost several hours of work. So I had to redo a lot of the shading, and it's a bit less complex than what I did earlier. Hopefully you wouldn't be able to tell if I hadn't said anything, but I just wanted to vent a bit as I very nearly gave up on the comic for today with plans to just finish it tomorrow... but my schedule is kind of wonky for the rest of this month, especially since my wife has multiple different doctor's appointments scheduled in a very short period of time, which may possibly prevent me finishing pages.
In general I've been dealing with more expenses lately. My rent is going up next month, and I'm finally reaching the point where I'm considering raising prices on Patreon. I'm very hesitant... BCC has had the same basic prices for about 10 years now, with the only major change being to drop the $3 tier, since almost nobody was on that level and the reward wasn't very compelling. But on the other hand, literally every subscription service I've used has had at least one price hike in the last decade. I dunno... what I WANT is to leave prices as they are, but I'm worried I'm going to reach a point where I can't pay rent. Maybe I just need to pay for some advertising and get more patrons... getting more patrons would have the same effect in the long run.
Sorry for the long rant. For the comic itself... it feels fun to show how Bianca has had basically the same personality her whole life and mostly just got a bit more eloquent in how she speaks, while Anastasia is very much a different person at this point in her life.