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I think that Karen and Kat's relationship is probably the most natural feeling in the series. Jenna has a similar relationship with her variety of girlfriends, but no one relationship gets as much attention as Karen and Kat do with each other.

I also wanted to take a moment and thank all of you for your support. I know this is kind of an arbitrary page to do that with, but things have been stressful lately at home. I had a death in the family not long ago, and money hasn't gone as far as it's used to, which I can imagine most of you can relate to these days. It's been hard, but it would be completely impossible if not for all of your support. I'll still probably be taking on more commissions going forward to compensate... I think the frustrating part, to me, is that I'm actually still getting around the same amount of Patreon support as I have for the past several years, but real-world expenses have just gone up across the board. I've had a few times where I even considered increasing my Patreon prices, but I just can't bring myself to do that when you've all been so supportive over the years.



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