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Scourge darkpaw

Wow lovely. I wanna put my head in between her boobs

Halomaster Cosmana

Hey I paid for nsfw audios but I can't find them on patreon or the discord. Could someone help me. I just wanted the full nsfw mal0 follows you audio


Hello, you need to connect your patreon and Discord accounts like it mentioned in the tier description. You can find more information here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access


Ah I see you've connected the discord and patreon. Have you rebooted everything since connecting, including the discord app? It should refresh and you should be inserted in a server called "Moon Silk Vault" with a gold/yellow icon. If it still isnt' connected after rebooting, please let me know and I'll reach out to Patreon.


I found the problem I think. I used two different email's. Could have been the problem.


I tried rebooting both but the vault is still not their. If you could somehow make me able to access it another way it would be appreciated. Also sorry for taking so much of your time.


Unfortunately, access is bound to the specific email you used to sign up with Patreon (as that proves you paid and have rights to access the early access content on the discord. It's an automated system that I cannot meddle with) and you need that specific email also associated with a discord account to force the discord bot to connect both and provide access. Are both your discord account and Patreon now connected with the same email? If it is, we should be able to move forward with connecting you, let me know and I'll keep trying to help. Alternatively, like it indicates in the tier descriptions, if that is too much a hassle, we can move you to Fansly where it's a bit more streamlined and no discord is necessary. Once I see you've signed up with a similar name on Fansly, I can refund you here and that should resolve the issue with access as well. Please choose whichever option suits you best. Up to you! Cheers!


You need to go back to step one and reconnect your patreon and discord from the previous link as you are no longer connected to discord on your patreon account as noted here, there is no discord ID listed under your email. Your email has been censored as this is a public chat. Please let me know when you've reconnected the appropriate discord to the patreon and we can help you further. Cheers. https://gyazo.com/d58d057372f5d234012b118bf117ab82


Yes I found the vault. Thank you for so patient with me. I hope you have a wonderful day and a merry Christmas.