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The Dastardly Duo pull an oldie but goodie ;)




In the future, you should pick a month and have the theme of it be Miss Warner. It never fails to perk me up whenever I see her pop up in my feed, especially if she's dominating someone smaller than her

Jarmar Fowler

The dastardly duo is my favorite creation you’ve made, are you ever going to finish Zelda origin comic where she meets warner and they form the infamous dastardly duo?

Zeo, the Loyal

Another classic from the bodacious baddies, Warner and Zelda ;)


Thanks very much! I'll be honest with you, 'Bovine' didn't perform too well (I'm thinking not as many fans wanted to see her thinner) so Part 2 has been moved to the back burners, but I certainly want to continue it at some point :)


Warner’s belly just looks like it feels so good!