The Silent Forest (Patreon)
Hello everyone! for the 2nd map of March here is The Silent Forest. This is a continuation of sorts to the previous map, the "Thorn Wall". My plan is to expand the region of Leanthyr with more maps, dungeons, characters, monsters, items, and finally a regional map, not necessarily going super deep into the lore of each and every thing but as a fun visual prompt of an themed area that you can fill the gaps and use however you see fit for your own games. - I am no writer, and writing in English makes things even harder for me, so please don't take this content too seriously, it is really just a fun thing that I hope you enjoy! :)
Oh and I also should be clear that I'll create other varied maps in between these themed releases too as usual! So don't worry about it getting too repetitive. Anyways, If you have any thoughts about this idea let me know, and thank you very much for your support!
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File includes day and night variations in gridded (20x23) and gridless versions.
File includes all 32 combinations of different variations, both in gridded (20x23) and gridless versions. + A themed prompt and painting "Into Leanthyr".
Thank you so much for your support, I hope you find good use for this map and in your adventures!