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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 21 of Vinland Saga!  Wow you guys, lots going on in this one.  I gotta say, I'm proud of Olmar!  This was a tough decision but he stepped up and made it, even if it wasn't the popular decision too.  Meanwhile Thorfinn has the same idea and is willing to go get his butt handed to him in order to see it through!!!
I'm just so impressed at how devoted he is to making this work and somehow finding a non-violent way to do it.  That being said, I REALLY don't wanna see him get the snot beat out of him!!!  Guess we'll see what happens!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NpVtQFZE-Q5Y5U8Gjw3iCGhW5Tq10Ww0/view?usp=sharing



Hey Melissa, I found your theories and explanations about this episode really interesting as they really match mine almost 100% as well. I'm also super proud of Olmar for saying what none of the other Vikings would ever say. Namely, that he's afraid of the battles, that he might die and that others might die too. And that it traumatizes him to see how people are injured or are almost no longer able to live. The episode really shows very well what happens to the survivors after a battle, how bad most of them feel afterwards and how terrible war is. Because the worst thing about war is not just the death of people, but how the people who have survived the battle feel afterwards and how they have to live with the trauma. The whole character development journey of Olmar I thought was also one of the best things about season 2, because he's a typical example of how boys are brought up to love war, but once they've experienced it, they actually feel very differently. I would call Thorgil more of an exception, because it really takes a lot of courage to go into battle every time, even though you know you could die at any moment. That's why I have a certain reverence for him and also a certain respect, but I still think it's a shame that he doesn't support his brother in his decision. I also found it super interesting to see how differently Canute and Thorfinn have developed, but how their concerns are still the same. They both want to create a paradise for humans, but Canute chooses the path with more war and death. And Thorfinn tries to take the path of peace. I can't really blame Canute for taking this path, because people usually only support a strong king. And a path like the one Thorfinn chooses would never have been possible for Canute, as the political views of the time would not have allowed it. But you can still see that he tries not to be quite so cruel, as he forbids Floki's forces from plundering the farm or killing more people than necessary. That's why I would never see Canute as a completely evil person. No one in this story is completely good or completely evil. I think the path that Thorfinn has now taken is very courageous, because it's just totally untypical for the time. And the fact that he accepts being beaten a hundred times and is able to fight for peace as a result is quite remarkable. His entire development in this season is generally a sign of very good storytelling and always fascinates me.


Hey Leonie! I'm so glad to hear that!! Wasn't Olmar great in this? He was honest and he took charge of the situation. Survivors' guilt is another aspect of war that has to be dealt with too, such a great point. Olmar had a rough journey for sure but he's grown into someone much better because of it. I do get that Thorgil has a sort of bravery as well, and I ended up liking him way more than I thought I would! But yeah, it's too bad he ultimately couldn't support Olmar. Very true about how Canute have grown so different yet with so many similarities. That's the thing, Canute has been influenced by what he had around him....and unfortunately there aren't too many advocating peace and pacifism when you're on the throne. That's true, he still really doesn't want unnecessary violence. Exactly, no one is really completely evil here, and I totally get not viewing Canute that way either! Courageous but untypical is a great way to put Thorfinn's situation. Him taking the beatings was just so intense! I wonder if there was supposed to be any symbolism of the way that Jesus suffered/died for the sake of humanity? Not sure since they love to make Christian references on this show, but it's something I thought of as I read your comment! His development here has just been phenomenal!!!


I think this is an amazing episode. I agree Thorfinn has become such an incredible character because of season two. In season one he was a good character that I liked but he wasn’t great because the author took their time setting up the groundwork for what would become one of my favorite & best characters I have watched. Thorfinn & Canute having such similar desires but different perspectives on how to create a better world because of different experiences is one of the most interesting parts of this season. I think it’s interesting that because Canute isn’t averting his eyes from the violence/death that he is causing we as the audience are not allowed to look away either.I love that we can still see the good qualities in Canute with how he doesn’t want to cause violence & is trying to minimize the casualties as much as possible. I like that the “ghost” of Sweyn is pointing out the hypocrisy of what Canute is doing because it’s important for the audience to remember that & I think it’s interesting that on some level Canute knows this but is still in the ends justify the means mindset. The imagery of the road of dead bodies is very dark & very much the hell is paved with good intentions but I do love it because it reminds me of some of the stuff with Irwin from AOT. Which is interesting with both of the characters wake up being willing to make sacrifices for a better world/what they do not. I think it is incredible writing to have Olmar see the results of what has just happened with many of the surviving farmers having horrible injuries. I love how he is seeing the results of his own & others actions even if I feel awful for him because of the amazing things it does for his character. I love the continuing theme of Olmar realizing how much he hates violence and the warrior mindset because of his experiences & what he sees. I think it’s amazing that the author brought back the girl whose family was trying to win favor with Ketil back when Olmar was first introduced to reinforce this idea in him. I think it’s amazing writing to have Olmar go through the same thing as Thorfinn with him seeing a vision of the man he killed. And besides the obvious reasons it makes even more sense why he is so upset & disgusted by all of this when he is realizing something really similar to Thorfinn realizing what a true warrior is except for him it’s realizing what courage is. The parallels between Thorfinn, Canute & Olmar are crazy when the characters have either not interacted at all or barely interacted this season I love it. I think it’s nice to see that the girl Olmar thought was only trying to use him is shown to just be a kind person who genuinely cared about him. I’m glad someone is there for him even if he is still emotionally devastated. Yeah you can understand why Ketil’s wife acts the way she does this episode but the way she treats Snake is wrong. I love that he doesn’t react at all to this treatment understanding what this woman is going through & knowing he did everything he could to do his duty. I like that Sverkel is the one who points out that Olmar has been put in charge so is the one who decides if they will surrender. I do like that when Thorgil says that this situation is Olmar’s fault he is actually really encouraging towards Olmar by pointing out that he was set up. However I think to Olmar it doesn’t matter that this most likely would have happened anyway because he took the actions that allowed Canuta to take advantage of him & do all of this. I love that his reasons for wanting to surrender are nuanced with his fear of violence/death not only being for himself but also in my opinion because he doesn’t want more people to like himself & the farmers to go through more of this violence/death or ever go through it. I think it’s really commendable that Olmai is able to recognize that killing someone for honor is not true courage. In essence I see it as him saying that you should not do foolish things or go down to the level of those who mock you & take insults with dignity. And considering there are a lot of Christian symbolism this is a reflection of Jesus & all the horrible things he went through that he took without ever fighting back. I love that he shows courage in another way with him doing something in the face of his fear of how Thorgil someone bigger and stronger than him will react. I love that Snake shows great respect for Olmar making this decision that would be hard in this age. It’s disappointing that Thorgil reacts the way he does but with his personality and all we have seen of him it makes a lot of sense and at least with him there is no falsity in this man. And he probably still cares about his family just doesn’t respect this choice at all. I love how concerned Einar is for Thorfinn once he realizes what he is trying to do wanting to go to see help him/stop him. I love that no matter how many insults or physical violence these soldiers throw at him he continues to calmly ask to talk to the King & this respectful. To be honest it makes sense why these soldiers don’t believe he was a guard for the king when he does not act like a warrior at all anymore. I love how nothing they do will deter him from his goal. I love the extreme reaction Canute has once he hears Thorfinn’s name especially with the subtle touch of his scar that our boy gave him. When I was watching first time my thought on why he didn’t want to meet Thorfinn was because no matter what this was about he didn’t want anything to distract from his own mission. I love how once Einar arrives trying to convince to just leave Thorfinn is able to put into words the immense gratitude he has for all the kindness people on this farm have shown him allowing him to become a better person and make great friends. I think it’s amazing that if he can do something to give back to all these people who helped him by stopping more horrible things from happening to the farm he damn well is going to try. It’s so clever for him to get in on the bet as a gambit to talk to Canute. It is sad that Thorfinn knows how to get hit because of his terrible experiences but going up to a big angry man saying I’m used to getting hit is genuinely badass. Unfortunately this also enrages Drott a man comparable in size to Thorkell as the episode ends on a intense cliffhanger. I agree it’s so interesting to think/talk about the similarities & differences between Thorfinn and Canuta. I didn’t say it earlier in this comment but I do love seeing Olmar again this amazing maturity through his experiences. I love how long your discussions are becoming for this show it just proves to me even more how good this show is. I always am interested in your thoughts/theories & think they are great but for me they are especially great for this show. Awesome reaction & thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Thanks again for your patience! I couldn't agree more about what they've done here with Thorfinn and Canute's characters. Also Olmar continuing to have some development is great, and I like that they brought the girl back too! They make great use of the Christian symbolism throughout this whole season and series. Einar's concern for Thorfinn!!! Love them :) Thorfinn is so determined. Thorfinn is such a boss to go through all that!!! I'm so glad you enjoy my discussions!!!! I love this show and love talking about it in detail!!! Thank you again for being so awesome to me!!!