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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo Part 6, episode 22!!  You guys, what a rollercoaster!!!!!!
FF was alive, Weather Report was helping, then "he" wasn't lol, and then everything just happened so fast!!!!  One thing's for sure though, Pucci learned NOT to mess with Jolyne!!!
I can't believe we almost got an Anasui/FF combo...!!!!  I'm sad for FF, but they really got to live during their time, thanks to Jolyne!!!  :')  I'm gonna miss them!  Oh yeah, Pucci got eaten, so speaking of combos of people....!!!!  Can't wait for what's next!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hHxZCl7vwEGEX8hIHNa8uSqfIQZ7p-Dn/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

I skipped this reaction because I didn’t think there was a whole lot that happened… okay, you weren’t buying that one for a second, were you? 😅 The thing I took away from the DIO/Pucci conversation is - one, Pucci has no desire to overthrow him because - he is far more interested in seeing how things actually play out - ironic, considering the obsession he portrayed earlier in the season. And two, DIO likes having him around because he’s figured out Pucci is one person he can trust enough to not worry about. While DIO would have no problem putting certain attitudes in order, looking over your shoulder all the time wondering who’s gunning for you today, even as an immortal, can be rather exhausting. I didn’t think about Weather Report as a possible solution for FF’s problem - they dropped that nugget a while ago and now I feel silly I hadn’t remembered it sooner. I don’t know if I like the attitude Annasui is giving off to both Weather and FF, though - it seems over the top jealous, which is never a good thing. I’m not sure exactly what happened with White Snake transmuting but the first thing I thought of was, did someone steal Neo’s Semblance again? I didn’t quite see what happened to FF but Anasui got donuted - clever twist. And we finally realize where the bone started at. Anasui wanting to give up his body to FF and then FF refusing to take it, but rather to say adieu - I guess you could say some of Jolyne’s ideals rubbed off on them. They said they used their life and intellect, so what’s that gonna look like? Just before Pucci was eaten - he said I will now experience this world as a part of you or something g like that. I don’t trust babies on this show. Never have, never will. Especially one with 36 first class criminal souls. That can’t be good. FF saying goodbye is a very Bruno like moment isn’t it? “They killed FF, brought them back and then we lost them all over again.” FF also wears green. Remind you of any other characters with that description? 👀 You should treat next week as a season finale, as Episode 24 technically wraps up Part 2 of this season (remember these all came out at different times). I’m sure everything will be COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY NORMAL. Yup! 😁


Oh god no! We got FF back! That was such a sweet moment between FF and Forecast with the rain. I never thought what a good team they could be. That was a good moment that lasted 3 minutes. Man, that ambush attack had me quaking in anger. Everything was looking so good. I’m glad FF felt content to have made memories. Good memories. Geez okay I took it as a man’s devotion to his God but I can already tell people had fun with the idea of Dio and pucci. And I can’t unsee it. I saw it but I don’t believe it. That was a completely different Dio than who we knew. Never in a million years would I think to see Dio apologizing to anyone. Áraki does something different with Dio each time he’s prominent in a season. Season three was an alluring stunning persuasive type. Which was different from part one Dio. Here he seems more intimate rather than intimidating. If he’s acting here then he’s really good at it. I can see how he was able to convince others to join his cause. And there were die-hard loyal Dio supporters. We already knew he was good at persuading others. I can’t remember a time where we saw his methods in manipulating that wasn’t through physical means; only mentions of how good he is at it. And he is good. Especially by pulling on some emotional heart strings. But here we actually saw it. Like we were in the room with them. It just seems like a whole new Dio. They were just chilling like it was a sleepover lol. Man what an episode. RIP FF 🤘💧


Right?!?!!? Like we had them back....what the heck :((( I love the teamwork between Weather and FF!! I don't blame you for being angry!!! Lol apparently Dio and Pucci is a huge ship, it's actually how I got slightly spoiled for Dio's presence in Part 6, as I've explained in the past :P (Someone said they ship them back when I was watching Part 5) I kinda see it like a Pouf/Meruem situation from HxH, which is what I wanted to say in my reaction but didn't wanna spoil anyone lol. But yeah, we see a very different side of Dio! I love that Araki develops him a bit more every time we see him. That's the thing, we knew he was charming, but here we really get to see him using just straight charm/charisma with no added supernatural twist. LOL they were totally chilling like a sleepover, it's honest to God the first thing I thought - like this feels like me and a bestie back in the day only they're missing the teen magazines and boyband CDs playing in the background :P RIP FF!!!! They were a real one!!!!!!!! :(((((((((


Hahahaha for a split second I was like whoa! :P I think your assessment of Dio/Pucci's reasoning is pretty sound. It can't hurt to have someone who's genuinely loyal around! Yeah I didn't think of Weather Report helping either, that makes total sense though! Anasui is all attitude here for sure lol, I wasn't having it either. LOL it was giving total Neo vibes! We finally see the bone's origins and poor Anasui totally got the donut treatment. Yeah, Jolyne really did rub off on FF!! I'm not sure what the implications of them using their life/intellect will be. LOL you're smart to not trust the babies on this show actually, that's fair. I mean........I know it has 36 criminals in there but.....it's just a baby ^_^ It was a lot like Bruno's goodbye!! OHHHHHHHHHH you didn't have to go there with the comparison lol, ouch! OMG, you're right that the next two eps will be finale-like, or at least like a mid-season finale anyway. Oh yeah, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about :P