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Google Drive Link posted under description!

Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo Part 6, episode 28!! Wow, Donatello's power is so clever and interesting, dang! I've gotta say, it's kinda like Moody Blues from heck, and pretty OP on the surface....not to mention that seeing everyone demonstrating the way they died was pretty gruesome!! Is it just me, or do Pucci and this son not get along so great??? Ironic, since Donatello has the most Dio-ish attitude so far!!! Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wN14JXGKIFzV425BraoY9mIB8PFF9Vk/view?usp=sharing



You have such a talent. I would buy Squish Platinum. He looks like he could be actual Jojo merchandise, does he not?! I love it. The size makes he want him even more. It’s so perfect! 🥺🤩🥹


Stand Name: Under World Stand User: Donatello Versus Name Sake: Underworld (English electronic/rock band) Destructive Power: Null Speed: C Range: A (Approximately the entirety of Orlando, Florida) Persistence: C Precision: Null Development Potential: Null


Awwww yay!!!! I'm so happy to hear that! You're so kind! ^_^ Ahhh maybe I should make some and list them on Etsy hehe! He is extra squishy, he's like a giant soft stress toy hehehe!!! I truly appreciate it ^_^