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Hey everyone! It's just been brought to my attention that today is the birthday of our most lovely girl Pyrrha! Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Art is from @DavidEllisArt on Twitter!



Marta Kira Ayanami

Happy Birthday, belatedly, Pyrrha. I don't know Pyrrha but I'll always be happy to give birthday wishes to anyone. :D


Awwww thank you Marta! Pyrrha is from the series RWBY, you might enjoy it if you get a chance to see it sometime! (For some reason, there seems to be a lot of Jojo and RWBY crossover fanfiction online, so it stands to reason that a Jojo fan might enjoy it lol!)

Christopher Pope

If you didn't catch the RT's 4/26 livestream finale Why We Were Here (it's on their YouTube channel), Burnie shows up in the last 15 minutes or so and says some really moving things to Kerry, Barbara, etc. Worth checking out.


Thanks so much for the heads up! I heard that there was some good RWBY news in there, but I haven't seen the whole clip!