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Hey everyone!  Here I am with season 4, episode 18 of Camp Camp!!! I love this one, you know how I love a good Gwen ep!!! This was another great coming of age kind of story, but with a bit of a dark/funny twist compared to last ep!! Poor Gwen, I just feel for her so much!! I'm glad Max at least wants to be a good person but he's still got a ways to go in terms of his motivations haha. Meanwhile our poor campers are freaking out....CAMERON is the one who's making the most sense?! What is happening lol?!!? Great ep, enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m_z-Fy-Lm_CoIujBr2SMx89N7AxVR2TD/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

So, before I delve into this, I need to correct you - technically there are two actual “specials” left in Season 4 (19 & 20 respectively.) The holiday special is “St. Campbell’s Day,” then there’s the 20th anniversary episode, “With Friends Like These.” Then there’s four episodes after that in Season 5. I also forgot to say last episode that Dolph was probably snorting (in Flower Scout voice)… “CANE SUGAR.” Anyway getting to the crux of this episode - Gwen’s having another one of her existential crises, and of course Max is an expert at pouring salt in the wound - can’t say I don’t empathize with her and the fear of not ending up where you wanted to be. Yeah, you’re right… Cameron is making too much sense. It’s not the butterfinger effect, still is it? Oh by the way, raise your hand if you expected the money to end up burning without him realizing it. 🙋‍♂️ Typical Americans we can’t hold on to anything valuable can we? Hey, did your ten year old self write “I want to be a reactor?” Hey, you never know what’s going to be around the next corner. Except taxes. Taxes are always around the next corner and need to be wiped from existence. A note regarding the second episode next week: between Ep 19 & 20, a lot of the characters’ VA’s stepped out of their roles because they wanted to cast them as the appropriate ethnicity, thus includes some of the mainstays such as Max, and Nerris. The original VAs didn’t leave on bad terms, it was just something RT wanted to do - and they keep the roles for the remainder of the series. I still need to dig around and find that RTX cut for you as well. At this point I’m thinking I may save it until you’re done. Do let me know if you’re missing an episode, however, as I said, you should have six full ones left.


Ya know what I gotta say it was surprising that Campbell was the one to make sense. But then again why wouldn’t he. I think he has the most experience with failure. He’s grown comfortable with it in a way. I think this was the first time it felt like he was the actual camp director. Another great episode with a great message. If it ended here I wouldn’t mind. It’s like they were a complete unit here, helping save Cameron from himself. XD


Right?! That was the biggest twist haha. That's true though, who would know better than him! He really actually was a leader for once here! Seriously, this was such a good one!!! Hahahha they totally were!


Oh my bad, I missed the first special when I was looking it up. I've been using the RT Archive as kind of a guide and then have just been watching my downloaded files for the reactions. I saw the announcement video and got confused! All good! Hahahaha yes it was definitely sugar! There's a lot of empathy to be had with Gwen right! LOL maybe Cameron never switched back from the last ep? LOL you saw it coming with the money huh! When I was 10 YouTube didn't even exist :P Taxes are always there. I'm reminded of Caboose's famous line! Oh that's good to know about the VAs, thanks for letting me know! I'm glad it was an amicable parting at least. Sounds good about RTX!! I'm all good on eps!