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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to the first last three eps of Tales of the Empire! OMG!!! Bariss' story hit all the notes I was hoping it would. From her disillusioned induction into the Inquisitors, her realization that this is not what she signed up for, and her ultimate acceptance of the world around her and just trying to put good into it as much as possible. I like to think that she and Ahsoka became friends again and that's who she was referring to in the last one :'D I really really hope she was okay!!!!!!! What a place to end me on!!!! That's just cruel lol! Great stuff! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iX7B03_Te7rne2t5t3wkMQ2DJjMbi79Q/view?usp=sharing



I was sooo nervous for barriss when i watched this 😭 idk why but I’ll always see her as ahsokas friend even tho she did bomb the jedi temple and more i just hopee we get to see her and ahsoka reunite in animation imagine a series about hiding jedi with ahsoka barris and rex as the leads


Barriss character design always looked so cool to me the face tattoos that kinda look like freckles its just the hair that they cant get right lol i wish she had a messy bob or messy high bun


I low-key love Barriss's arc here. During Clone Wars, they had plans to flesh out more of her story to see how she started thinking as she did by engaging in sabotage of the Jedi Temple and killing. With how it transpired, I never fully bought that she would go down this path as we hadn't seen anything from her since season 2 of the show, and then the next time we saw her, was that story which ended up framing Ahsoka and having her question how far the High Council had fallen, when they couldn't sense her own innocence. Its a real shame that never got fleshed out more during the series (the same with the massive Ventress arc that was due to be made for the series too), as it was around the time of the Disney acquisition, so they got shelved. Hence Filoni delivers us these shorts to give us snippets of what happened to her. There is plenty of geeking out in the first episode for me, seeing Fortress Inquisitorious getting built, seeing the Grand Inquisitor complete with Jason Isaacs back voicing him, Marrok and the other Inquisitor next to him, both whom Ahsoka kills, and Lyn, who looked so badass during the Kenobi series but never got much screentime in favour of Reva and the other Inquisitors. Pretty great seeing Vader here too as this early squad comes together, and the easy thing for Filoni to do (and what many fans wanted) would have been to have Barriss eventually face off with him. Filoni however sticks her back on the path of redemption, and since as I say never bought into her becoming a true darksider, we have this path open for her after going through these trials putting herself in mortal peril, and in the subsequent episode when she has her eyes opened at what has replaced the Jedi and the Republic. The bit at the end of the first episode with Vader showing up, and you can feel the weight of his presence even though he doesn't utter anything, and then Barriss putting on the mask and her voice changing as she says "long live the Empire" is spine-tingling. Great stuff. Barriss wasn't a padawan later on in Clone Wars, she did get Knighted, as Lyn, the GI and of course Anakin/Vader were. However she would have been stripped of that title when imprisoned. Grooming is the correct term for what Palpatine does to Anakin, heck what he does to all who work for him (Dooku likewise and he was older than Palpatine!). The details and realism of the armour in the second episode (and first but it is quite dark to watch) is stunning, it looks like you could reach out to the screen and touch it. The fella Lyn questions (before slaying him) has a leather type jacket on and it looks phenomenal. I have said previously that I prefer the Rebels aesthetic for Star Wars animation, but what they have done to the Clone Wars engine to this point is jaw-dropping. Its movie quality and looks better than the likes of the new Inside Out movie (also from Disney through Pixar tbf) which is on course to make a billion dollars. My only slight issue with this arc is the jump from her rejecting the Inquisitorious, to becoming a healer - I would have like a bit more on that before we got her in the last episode, where she is back in the light, helping others get onto The Path it seems, mentioned in the Kenobi series, to ensure the force-sensitive kids make it. In the old expanded universe, Barriss was a healer in the Jedi, so Filoni adapts that to ensure that whilst she no longer is adherent to the Jedi Code, she is still back a being of light, helping others as Jedi of old did anyway. Its not her getting back into the fight, but this is just as important to those who need her help. She also looks quite aged for her young years, and I believe its because she's giving her life essence to heal others, which is mentioned in Rise Of Skywalker when Rey does it. The lines about the kid getting taken and trained as the old Order saw it, is paralleling the ideas in Ahsoka with Sabine, about how the Jedi arts should be available to all those willing to learn to use the force, even if they aren't strong in it naturally. Lyn's path is interesting too. We hear from her in the second episode about her mistaking strength for fear, and that those who are afraid of them, will respect them; and thats misguided as just because people fear you, that doesn't garner respect. It tells us more about what Inquisitors are, acting out of fear rather than strength (Kanan in Rise Of Skywalker : "in the heart of a Jedi lies their strength"). We see that with the GI in Rebels as he dies a coward, afraid to go back to Vader when he couldn't take care of Kanan; and its similar with Lyn here in the third episode, that her image of strength is really her hiding her own fear of what she has become and that she can't drop her guard due to it. And the cave section shows how trapped she and the darkside is; its not strength, but a limitation. After she strikes Barriss, we see how afraid Lyn is, whilst Barriss is at peace as she has embraced the light once more and accepted who she is and was; and her forgiving Lyn and showing compassion to her in that condition, brings Lyn back around. In that final shot we can then see Lyn dropping her Inquisitor lightsabre and emerging from the cave with Barriss's body and coming out of the darkness, into the light so that perhaps she too can free herself from the guilt and fear the darkside has built up within her. Barriss saves another soul potentially at the cost to her own self. Barriss also says that an old friend will help the family get free. That has to be Ahsoka surely. I think Ahsoka would forgive Barriss for all the pain she caused her, as Barriss forgives Lyn here. This is much more interesting than what I thought we were going to see with this story, and while its not perfect, there is parts to it which excite, which horrify, and which move. Its a story I will keep coming back to I'm sure.

Tyler Stobbe

“I hope we have a happy ending here!” Me: Have you forgotten what franchise this is? I think the two “sections” of this series are supposed to be mirrors. Morgan’s was all about descending into darkness, while Barrie’ arc is all about climbing out of it. Fun little side fact: the Grand Inquisitor is voiced by Jason Isaacs. (Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter). He likes to do scumbag. I don’t remember who Lyn is, but she’s clearly very devoted to the Empire. You seemed a little confused about why she wiped out the colony after finding the Jedi’s location - it was punishment for the adults lying to her. That’s just Imperial logic. Can I point out there’s a little twist of irony in Barriss carrying the Jedi out in Episode 5 and Lyn is doing the same thing with Barriss at the end of Episode 6? Also, didn’t you say you were reading a book series with a similar name - what was it - Heir to the Empire or something? The point being made is it doesn’t matter if you’re willfully rebellious, ignorant, or being used - the Empire will end up discarding you at some point. Barriss learned it very early - Lyn learned it a long time later. The only way out of the Empire is either death, or open eyes. That being said, I do keep thinking the Jedi are not all we thought they were cracked up to be… and that’s how Palpatine took advantage - quite an opportunist. As far as Star Wars content that’s currently new and available, I know Disney Plus is currently airing The Acolyte, which I’m watching, if that interests you - (as of right now we’re a little over halfway through it ;it’s running for eight episodes.) I’m sure whatever you pick’s going to be interesting. Time to look at the “schedule builder” again, me thinks. 👀


If it isn’t shown, they’re still alive. I hope to see her again with Ahsoka after watching this.


Omg same! And yeah I think you're right about them repairing their friendship. I would SO watch that!!!!


Lol, it's so hard to find a good 'do! I love her design too, I can see how the tattoos look like freckles :)


LOL!!! True :P I agree that the two stories are mirrored. No kidding about Lucius Malfoy voicing the Grand Inquisitor!!! I don't remember Lyn either. Right, I figured it was punishment for them not telling her, but dang. Ohhh there is some irony to the whole carrying thing! I read 2 of the 3 Heir to the Empire books, but they were about Thrawn. Well said about the Empire, sad but true. Palpatine for sure took advantage of things that were already not working about the Jedi. Thanks for the info on the content! I'll be working on my schedule to ensure that I have a good balance of shows that hopefully everyone can enjoy!

Brandon Dodge

I have been waiting 11 years for this time with Bariss. And I'm honestly really happy. She didn't let her worst moment define her. She's still a Jedi through and through and even made an impact on Lyn. She first appeared in the Kenobi series as The 4th Sister, but this is the first time we see what her name is and what she's like. In Legends Bariss could use the Force to heal people, so it was cool to see that implemented again here.


Wasn't it awesome?! It was a great redemption story. And she even helped Lyn. Ohhhhh that's where we saw her, ok! I didn't even realize they were bringing in something from Legends too, that's really cool!


Before we got the surprise trailer for this show I never thought we’d revisit Barriss, but I’m so glad we did. This is my favorite of these Tales stories, even above Dooku’s in TotJ. Her descent into being an Inquisitor and rising above it, and inspiring Lyn to turn as well in her death, is so beautiful. And it sounds like she reunited with Ahsoka at some point! I really hope we get to see that sometime. We get a little of representation, it seems like the Jedi was non-binary. I haven’t heard it confirmed anywhere but something about their design and voice immediately had me wondering about it. And I’m so happy we got more of Jason Isaacs as the Grand Inquisitor, even for just an episode! He’s so freaking good, hope we get even more in the future!


Me too!!! Wow, that's high praise! I can see why! Her arc is so well done here. OMG I know, that "her" was def Ahsoka, no one can convince me otherwise! Oh that's interesting, I wasn't sure about Lyn but that's really cool if it's the case! Always fun to see the Grand Inquisitor again too! I hope we get more too!


Hey Saltire, I'm so sorry I never got back to you! This one got lost in my inbox even though I was making a note to write back when I could. But I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this, it definitely made me think about some things and enhanced the experience for me!!!!!!!