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Hey everyone!  Here I am with season 5, episode 3 of Camp Camp! OMG!!!! It's time for THAT talk you guys....also I totally called it that the magazine was Gwen's!!! :P David's version turned out so hilariously bad (and censored) that the inmates ended up running the asylum on that one....oof. And Gwen, well, she did her best! But let's face it, just cause someone's a woman doesn't mean they know everything...!!! We learned a good lesson here today and I still feel like a lot of campers were helped (the girls, anyway). Nikki learned to love mud even more and Nerris found love, omg! The 80s comment definitely hurt me a bit :( Haha! Great ep, enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_dUpE8siWfd4lh_pWUjl0YklWvw1JHs/view?usp=sharing



I’ve never related to Ered before this. Being that cold is just something you’re born into. Sometimes you just gotta learn through life. Learn what works for you along the way. And some things you just never ever learn till much later and wonder why it was such a puzzle. The idea of Ered being a possible future counselor at Camp Camp is nice to leave off on. The camp will finally have someone who can teach them some rad stuff. 🛹

Christopher Pope

And all this time I figured you were late 20s/maybe 30.


I know, this was a great Ered ep! That's the thing, we're all just trying to figure it out! I love the idea of Ered being a junior counselor! She'd be the coolest one ever!


Thanks, I appreciate that! You're close! I was born in the 80s though, so that remark in this ep really hit me hard haha!