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Hey everyone! Here it is - my reaction to ep 3 of season 2 of Oshi no Ko! Omg, we really get into it in this one! We get to know Abiko a bit better and see just how she might come to the conclusion that compromising even just a tiny bit on something like an adaptation will result in disaster. But her unwillingness to compromise on anything has made life pretty hard for her, and her mentor is here to give her some tough love over it, dang!!! They were fighting dirty!!!!! Also, I love Aqua's plan - he's truly a genius! What better way to convince her than to show her irrefutable evidence of how much goes into a 4D play?! Can't wait to see where this is going! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lxe46w-bvCUOQszVsr8_IU7VmiFWyd66/view?usp=sharing



I didn't watch it yet, but even if you love the show, we aren't at season 3 yet lol ^^. You switched the 2 and 3 in your intro :).


Hi Hime :) There is both a lot and very little to say about this episode. Firstly, regarding Abiko's attitude, there are several elements to put into perspective, being a girl of art, I know very well that our worst enemy is ourselves. She must surely be very hard with her work to the point of destroying her health as we see here, an attitude that she passes on to others around her, believing that they should be at her level for the good of her manga. Then comes the price of success and being called a genius, if everything is given to you, you end up having no limits and becoming odious and looking down on others. Add the pressure that people put on your shoulders plus the pressure that you put on yourself, and it's easy to fall into a bad spiral. When she says that 90% of current productions are trash, nothing says that she doesn't consider that hers is on the limit. She is so hard on her own work, no doubt compares it with that of others and overanalyzes a lot of things which mean that she no longer takes real pleasure in her and these works and when you don't take pleasure in seeing a work, you can't appreciate it. So yeah, there's a culmination of all that that takes her to where she is, but luckily, this episode will wake her up a little. Also, another point, the play she is going to see was written by Goa, she who said that he had no talent or love for his art, she will perhaps change her mind after seeing this play and a possible meeting, apology and discussion between the two could open up.

Jenny C

So I really enjoyed this episode. Last year, my best friend took me to see Harry Potter & the Cursed Child for my birthday. It was a play in Manhattan, and admittedly I have… things to say about the actual book. But I remember really enjoying the play itself. I was so afraid when I saw real looking dementors (soul sucking creatures) seemingly floating around the entire audience. It was far more immersive than I’d ever expected, & it was a traditional play. My best friend also was in drama club during high school, so I can definitely say I have a good impression of theatre. Sometimes seeing it live just gives that extra something which tv or streaming doesn’t provide. And people need to understand not to have expectations of perfect symmetry across different mediums.

Tyler Stobbe

Giant rants!? On this show in particular!? Surely you jest! By the way I’m pretty sure you avoided a power surge and failing to meet your deadline cause the video’s up. 😉 Also it looks like the song lyrics are being reflected on screen, albeit this week it’s just the Japanese phonetics, so you can’t really understand what the lyrics actually mean. Playboy may mean something slightly different in Japan than it does here, because the group’s photo wasn’t uh… missing certain aspects, to be polite. It’s possible it’s just a celebrity rag they’re referring to. Either way, it makes sense that Ruby would have an inferiority complex around her school friends, Frill and Minami. (Fun little fact, Frill is also the voice for Nobarra and Raphtalia.) Anyway the others just feel kinda awkward talking about work but their gossip is on a level which throws Ruby into a rant even Miyako has a hard time understanding. However, Ruby’s basically been sidelined because Kana’s involved in another project. That’s definitely not why she’s grumpy though. 😁 Either way, based on this whole exchange, it sounds like Ruby’s endeavors may be taking a bit of a “back seat” to what’s going on with the play this season, based on the comments made during this sequence - especially since Kana is also involved in both and can’t be two places at once. Speaking of said brother, Akane finally got some alone time with Aqua. I have to say, after showing off that particular kind of production, now it’s got me a bit curious personally. I’d kind of like to see it actually operating. Aqua doesn’t get mesmerized by too much so you can bet seeing him be completely blown away landed some serious confidence points for Akane, but she’s more happy that he finally got the gist of what she was trying to convey to him - she’s most happy that she was able to convince him that her favorite medium does have some more potential than he thought. When Raida shows up, the topic gets a bit more interesting, because the play they just saw was also done by GOA, whom Abiko wants ousted. Raida caught Aqua’s reaction and knows it left an impression - but too late he’s back to factory settings mode. Dude sure is sullen for all the positives going on around him, isn’t he? The discussions with Abiko don’t seem to be going as well, however. Aqua pretty much the same thing I did last week - she has no clue what she’s doing in this particular medium and is going to be out of her depth. Aqua pictured her writing something for a high school gym, whereas the script GOA wrote was tailored to take advantage of the equipment and technology available. Aqua was so impressed by the play that he’s convinced he needs to do something. And so he starts doing what he does best… meddling. Akane does admit there are problems with the Tokyo Blade script, most notably her own character, but she believed the script was overall good - or she would’ve fought a little harder against it. She’s a little more practical when it comes to stuff like this. But you can definitely tell some of the hot button topics that are being brought up stem directly from her character arc. I actually love the fact that the characters were saying the same thing I was, why not just get these two in the same room instead of playing telephone tag? Great minds think alike, I guess. If that happened, the group agrees it would probably work out better for everyone. So Aqua arranged for several people to visit Yoriko’s house, and Kana just feels the need to point out she’s been here a lot already to get Akane’s goat. Speaking of locking two characters in a room, I kinda want to see how these two would cope for an hour alone. XD Of course, Yoriko has really NO time for Melt, who basically made a mockery of the male lead in her manga. You know what they say, film is forever, so people are always gonna connect her work with that… performance. No wonder he gets the cold shoulder. Creators in general are an eccentric lot to begin with (hey, look at Rohan for example!) but they also believe that they’re on top of their world. So it makes sense that to communicate with someone who draws manga, you need to get someone who speaks their language and knows exactly what the process is - in this case Yoriko got recruited to make a case for the play to Abiko. She’s also the only one capable of reaching her, as it seems the girl (well she’s actually 22), is a huge introvert and doesn’t know how to connect with people. Given that, her reactions do make a lot of sense in that context. It seems Abiko’s timeline is pretty inhuman, as she’s trying to churn out a whole chapter a week. I know you’re reading the JoJo manga (I don’t have that ability, which is why I’m not participating with those) but go back and flip through the last chapter you read and count the number of pages in it. Now picture turning all that out weekly. Even Yoriko realizes that’s nuts. It sounds like she had barely had time to make rehearsal, plus she has to oversee an anime adaptation as well. It sounds like Yoriko was able to get through to her because she saw her manga and understood what was being communicated. Editors want big sellers of course, but they also don’t want a manga to end on their watch, which is why I’m guessing you see most adaptations run alongside the original release. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. But they really have to keep an eye on the mental state of the artist, so what’s going on with Abiko’s editor then? Kana is a little bit empathetic because people always told her what she wanted to hear and not what she needed, and Abiko is being treated the same way. If you get nothing but yes men, then how’re you going to react to criticism? It’s a good guess that Abiko’s hostility is probably pretty influenced by the Sweet Today drama and the debacle it turned out to be. She’s also a little irritated that Yoriko didn’t stand up for her work a bit more. She admitted though she’s not good at criticizing. Again… if the editor is responsible for Abiko’s mental state, then why is she feeling the need to work 22 hours a day every week, plus anime, and toss the play on top of it? Even Yoriko knows this can’t go on, but I think Abiko’s outburst is probably just revealing that she is under a huge amount of pressure from her 50 million readers. And she just snaps at Yoriko, which, I’m not gonna lie, that’s one of the more fun scenes in the show so far, both the VAs were really into it. (Also Yoriko is Josuke’s mom.) Yoriko mentioned why is everything so detailed, it’s because Abiko is doing everything by herself - anyone qualified she chases off with her personality. I kinda had to laugh when she turned the tables and brought up the Touki / Tsurugi pandering when Saya had been set up for quite a while. In a way I guess you could say it’s kind of like the author saying “I’ve been setting up Aqua and Akane, but there’s a lot of people who want him to be with Kana instead.” This scene just got real meta, at the end of the day it should be about what the original story intends, right? The whole scene is just… RAWR! Even Abiko admits that she can’t do even a get together with the cast, so she’s jealous of her senses, much the same way her senses is somewhat jealous of her rise to stardom. Everyone’s got different aspects of life they’re good at. I guess deadlines really do put pressure on a person… would you know anything about that? XD - but at the end of the day, they still have passion for it. The best advice Yoriko has for Abiko is to try and meet everyone halfway - even though she despised how the tv drama turned out, it still brought awareness to her work. (As a side note, since you’re reading a part in a manga I haven’t seen, is it becoming more clear to you why they’re taking awhile to figure out if they can adapt it? Welcome to shared creativity, right?) So I do have to grin at the irony that she goes and looks at the one scene with Aqua in it that actually saved the series from total disaster. So Aqua has put his mark in this production in more ways than just getting her a play ticket. I feel like after seeing the play, Abiko is probably going to realize she needs to be a little more open minded - and at the same time the scriptwriter has to be a little more careful with how the characters act. Maybe if you let the play go another hour or so (up to 3) it might work out better? Just shootin the breeze again. I think the best way to describe this series is (in Spock voice) “fascinating.” What murder mystery? XD


Lol this series definitely brings discussion. There’s a give and take when sharing your work, especially when successful and actually getting something like an adaptation. Restless nights, lost sleep, just to see what wasn’t exactly there on paper. Yet who else sees your vision exactly like you do? Fans possibly to an extent but then there are other factors to consider. Like what’s actually possible on paper and in live action. How much you can get away with as opposed to what needs to be changed for viewing discretion etc. I love how it’s breaking down the fourth wall so-to-speak without actually breaking the wall. It’s more than just self awareness. You really get the behind the scenes takes on other facets of the processes; not just the show. It’s really good stuff.


Right?! It really is a give and take. It's so hard to give up a little bit of your exact vision like you said, but yeah, there's always logistics to consider like how certain things will translate from medium to medium. Omg yes, it totally is and isn't fourth wall breaking! It's excellent!


I'm really glad to hear that! Oh awesome!!! I saw that when I was in NY a few months ago! I'm glad you enjoyed the play and that it served as a good example of how something can be brought to life so effectively on a stage. The immersion of a live play is definitely one advantage over other forms of media. And so true that you can't expect perfect symmetry across different mediums, well said!


Hi Spadeas! :) You're so right about Abiko, this definitely gave me more perspective on her. It's actually a bad thing for her in this case that she rose to manga stardom so quickly, I think. She didn't get a lot of the learning experience that she may have otherwise, and she had so much pressure on her so fast like you said. You can tell she's so hard on herself, and a lot of the positive side of taking part in art isn't there anymore. OHHHH you're so right, the play is by Goa! Good call!!


Hey Melissa, sorry I'm a bit late for Oshi no ko this time because I've been putting off watching the episode all week. But now I finally got around to watching this episode with you. And wow, this episode was brilliant. I really don't understand why many people don't think this season is so good. Because you get so many insights into the life of a mangaka. And I've always wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes. Of course I could imagine that it would be very stressful, but I've always found it very interesting to see exactly what a mangaka's day looks like. And now I finally have the opportunity to gain an insight into it. Apparently it's not exciting enough for many people, but I personally think it's really great. The episode was so good, it went into the depth of a person who's good at things but is not at socialising in the most realistic way possible. Looks like Abiko's arrogance and sense of control is her coping mechanism to all the stress and work she has put on herself. It's really nice that Yoriko being a good friend, let her let off some steam. The part that stood out to me is Abiko as a perfectionist, being a weekly publisher, the reader's input and a monetarily successful series on the line causes her to deviate from her ideal story. She doesn't want to make concessions but Yoriko makes her realize that she already does that. That weekly mangaka life is no joke, Abiko looked horrible when Kichijoji showed up to her place. This is why I’ll never complain when any weekly series goes on an extended break because of the author’s health. They’re literally killing themselves. I really hope that Abiko gets more inspiration for the script from the stageplay and maybe arrange an agreement with Goa Senpai so that they can both work on the script. Because they are both fantastic people at their jobs and should work together to make this project perfect.


Yeah it's easy to get carried away with a show like this I guess :P I'm not sure what the issue with the lyrics is, I haven't changed any settings since last season. Yeah playboy is def not the same thing here lol. Akane really is the one taking this the most objectively, even though some of the script issues affect her the most. I was totally thinking of Rohan in this one lol! I'm not sure why Abiko's editor is allowing this to keep going. I can see why Kana would be empathetic here though. And I can see why Abiko would be affected by the Sweet Today incident. It's great that Yoriko was able to snap her out of it, lol she was def giving some tough love! Compromising makes sense even though it doesn't always work out perfectly. (About Part 7, I can see some of the reasons why it might not get adapted right away, but honestly I'm still pretty surprised it's taking this long!) It was a great idea sending Abiko to the play! I know right?! It's hard to believe we're still on the lookout for a killer in the midst of all this :P


Hey Leonie, don't be sorry! This was such a great one! I can't believe there are folks who don't like this season! What! I think for me, the subject matter is maybe even more interesting because I have a lot more personal attachment to the manga industry than I do to pop. I'm glad Yoriko could help Abiko here! Her attitude is definitely a bit more understandable under the circumstances. OMG, I couldn't agree more about weekly manga! I'm not sure how anyone does it! You're so right that this will give insight into Goa's scriptwriting too. Sending her to the play was such a great idea!!

John J Ronald

I feel like Abiko must've *rage quit* the tv adaptation of Sweet Today early and never even watched the final episode. It sorta redeemed itself in that final episode when Kana & Aqua brought their A-games. Sending Abiko to the other GOA-sensei production was a stroke of crafty genius on Aqua's part....she can see for herself that theater people know what they're doing and gain a new respect for their work.