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Hey everyone! I wanted to stop by and update you on everything happening this week!

First off, baby boy is here and is doing great!!! Thank you all for being so kind, patient, supportive, and downright awesome to me through this whole thing!

Unfortunately, my labor plans turned into a c section last minute which means my recovery just got a little harder 😖 But don’t worry, I’ll still be back with reactions when I can! I just need to be able to make sure I can laugh without feeling like I’m gonna burst open LOL!

Hope all is well and thank you again for all the support! It means a lot!!!! Can’t wait to be back watching stuff with you!

~ MH


ABHB Ya-iba

No worry! Please recover well.

Sergio Moreno

Oh wow that’s great!!! Congratulations on having a baby boy . So happy for you and take all the time you need I’ll b waiting patiently for more Kamen Rider Gavv reactions and other stuff from you


Oof stinks things got a little hairy but glad everything went well!


Congrats on the Birth! I hope he grows up to be a nice, healthy boy! I hope you also get well soon. :c


First of, congrats and happy that the baby boy his good, second, take your time to rest and heal, we will wait to see you that your ready, you know us ^^.

Christopher Pope

C-section just means your baby is a cut above the rest! I'm so happy for you - Prioritize your family; we'll still be here when you get back.



Tyler Stobbe

Take care of yourself first, congrats and there’s no rush!


It’s a boy!! Congratulations 🎊 👶 💙🧢🩵🍼 Lol no don’t joke about that. Although that would make for a great Jojo gore scene. 🤔 lol seriously though get better soon, rest well and again congrats on the baby! 🥳🎈


Congratulations Hime! Please take as much time as you need to fully recover. We’ll all still be here.