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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction/review of episodes 4 and 5 of vol 6 of RWBY!  And things just keep getting crazier and crazier!!!  Our poor crew has to fully process what was just shown to them....and I'm extraordinarily worried about my man Qrow!!!  Also, Salem is truly terrifying, and Oz has decided to go away for now....sheesh!  What in the world is going on with this town they're in now?!  It's super creepy!!!  And oh yeah, HUGE comeback in that second ep........YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!  I really, really wish she wouldn't team up with Cinder though!  That Adam jump scare had me jumping scared lol.  And that moment between Yang and Blake.....so nice while it lasted!!!!  Also, I relate to Ruby SO much when it comes to food!!!  And last thing....something's waiting in that cellar, shudders!!!!!  What an amazing pair of eps (again!!!)!  Can't wait to see more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RWBY 6x04 and 6x05 full length reaction.mp4



Okie phew I forgot how intense these episodes were at the time I first watched them. While I have to say I do feel for Oz, it's also pretty understandable about why the kids and Qrow reacted the way they did, they are fighting a war and they are only know finding out all of their efforts and sacrifices may be for nothing. And a little detail I noticed is that Qrow isn't even visibly angry at Oz, until after Ruby asks him what his plan was and he responded with "I dont have one." ...meaning that he never had one. Qrow has been fighting for this man since he was a teenager (assumedly), he's lost his friend (Summer), his team and even his sister in this fight against Salem, for a man who never had any idea on how they were gonna win. That's honestly what hurts the most for me in terms of Qrow. The thing I really like about the scene with Salem and her group is that there are small things in how they interact with her that reflect their characters. Hazel is willing to take the fall for someone else despite probably knowing how Salem will react to that, Emerald is utterly terrified of Salem so she complies for her own safety, Watts shows off how little he actually believes in Salem's abilities by questioning her before promptly shutting up out of fear, and Tyrian - ever the loyal lap dog - looks ready to pounce onto Watts the moment he displayed doubt. And another thing about this scene that I think people take for granted later on; Salem may be immortal and mondo powerful, but like the gods that doesnt make her infallible - say or do the wrong thing and her emotions can get the better of her. And ahh the bees, so close yet so far. This moment is one I like alot, because it shows us what its like for them to be the reverse of themselves. Blake's now the one having to try and build a connection while Yang is closed off trying to keep her feelings safe. And just when we think we've made progress, one wrong word was all that's needed to push us backwards. Granted I can understand why it happened. Yang doesn't want to feel like she needs to be "protected" by Blake - especially after going through the process of healing all on her own - she wants to be able to help her and have her help in return. Protect each other for lack of a better term. As much as I would've liked them to rekindle their friendship here, I think this moment was an important one, progress after all is based on how we keep moving forward despite the pitfalls that may occur. Also I understand worrying about Qrow, I remember myself worrying about him alot myself. However, something I've come to do while rewatching the show is worry about Ruby. Now that Ozpin's gone - which I will never be okay with, he really should've stayed to help them out - Ruby is the only one who doesn't seem deterred from their original goal (as seen with that scene with Weiss) but that also means she has the responsibility of trying to keep her teams morale up. And having to do that while also trying to process everything you yourself have also learned would be a hard thing for anyone, let alone 16-17 year old girl. Not to mention that she, like the audience, is worried about her uncle's and Oscar's mental health also. I just feel like Ruby focuses so much of her energy on looking out for other people, she never takes the time to fully process her own conflicting or negative emotions. But enough of my rant, wonderful reaction as always! I look forward to next week, especially because that pair is among my fav of the volume!


oooh the triumphant return of the ice cream queen herself! I really love that fight, short but super stylish and well choreographed, and with a rocking soundtrack to go along. As a fun fact Neo is actually Casey's fave character, and around when this episode aired she dyed her hair in the same pink/brown split that Neo has going on to celebrate. The bees moment is also really interesting here, I think a big part of it is that Yang doesn't want to be treated like an invalid. Like, yeah she got hurt pretty bad, but she's still strong, she can still fight, she doesn't need someone to protect her. Obviously Blake didn't mean it in a bad way, she just feels guilty and wants to make things up to Yang, but just unfortunately stumbled on the wrong combination of words.


Hi Hime :) The scene with Salem, really registers her as an absolute force of destruction, her desire comes first and through her, her followers will reach theirs. It is clearly Salem taking herself for a goddess, have faith in her and she will meet your expectations. Besides, it looks to me like Tyrian is moving from Queen to Highness, showing his increasing devotion (but later he will switch to Godess, not really a spoiler, but just to confirm my point). Funny that you talk about Cosplay, Monty was a fan of Cosplay and designed his characters to be easy to do in cosplay. Weiss with the blanket, in the doorway, always gives me the impression that she needs a hug, that was the scene I was talking about when I said "give her a hug" ^^. Speaking of our Ice Queen, Weiss looking at Ruby after she talks about Qrow and alcohol, it shows that she sympathizes and understands (with her mother). But I love the dynamics of this two, they're so cute together (but the comedy duo Weiss / Maria is priceless too, just wait until later in the volume). It doesn't seem to me yet that this is for the next duo of episodes, but already prepare the tissue box anyway, laugh or tear, I do not specify the reason ^^ (But I think you will love episode 7 anyway).


I think when it comes to Oz and how he doesn’t tell anyone that history, it’s because, for the most part, it’s a very personal story. There’s traumatic things in there that I can get not just telling anyone he comes by. I think the part that shouldn’t be left out is what is said at the end, “How do I defeat Salem?” “You can’t. “ That’s something that the people he’s brought into this need to know. Yang definitely doesn’t want to be protected. I think she wants to be equal with Blake, and the rest of her teammates but let’s focus on Blake, I don’t think Yang wants to be a person who always needs to be saved. She can defend herself and she can protect herself, she doesn’t need help to do so. But it’s still nice to have someone by your side as you do these things. I’m so happy you’re enjoying volume 6! It’s my favorite volume of the series, there’s so many good moments. I can’t wait for the next episode, it’s the best!!!!


amazing reaction to these two episodes. Qrow is really taking it hard lets hope he will be ok. I too wish Maria would adopt me. Also I was so excited when I saw Neo umbrella when i first saw it and it still gets me hyped. She looks so adorable wearing Romans hat. Weird how both Blake and Yang saw Addam who wasn't there. I wonder why the cellar is locked up can't wait for next week


I believe Penny first identified herself as "the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura." And I agree, I think the reason Penny's death felt less impactful in Volume 3 is because it happened so abruptly and then we never had any time to process it, because immediately after she died, the grimm invaded the city. But after Pyrrha died, we got several slower scenes for it to really sink in during.


Also Yang definitely got hung up when Blake said "and I'll protect you." Yang is a protector. She was Ruby's protector for the longest time (like in Yang's character short), and she took on a protecting role for the rest of the team as well (both in physical combat and in looking out for them like with Blake in Volume 2). Her arc after the Fall of Beacon has focused so heavily on learning to fight smarter and regaining her strength and confidence. So having Blake say that she'll protect Yang - especially since one of the last times Blake saw Yang fight, Yang lost her arm - probably hurt. Yang doesn't want to be protected, and she definitely doesn't want to be in need of protecting. It wasn't meant to be hurtful, but I imagine Yang took it very personally, as if Blake was saying "the last time you faced Adam he almost killed you, so next time I will fight him while you stay behind."

Derpy Trev

things are starting to get 3sp00ky5me


Something to think about is we got team RWBY and Qrows reaction to the truth and how upset they were with Oz but think about when ever they end up regrouping with team JNPR they are going to tell them everything they learn from Jinn think about how they will take that news especially Jaune who might think that pyrrha died for nothing now knowing that Salem can't be killed


I like to think that Qrow and Yang have such a more aggressive stance towards Ozpin is because of Raven planting that seed of doubt in yangs mind telling her to question everything and not to trust Oz calling his war with Salem impossible tell Qrow there is no beating Salem I would not be surprised if one of the thoughts going through Yang and Qrows heads after learning the truth was Raven was right about everything even though she probably did not know about the whole truth between Salem and Oz She still saw Salem as an impossibly fight to win


NEO!!! She’s probably my favorite character outside of team RWBY/JNPR. And her semblance is my second favorite in the show after the Schnee semblance. I can’t wait for the soundtrack reaction because the song that plays during Neo and Cinder’s fight is one of my favorites, and since Neo can’t talk it’s actually the only time we hear Neo’s POV within the show and gives a little insight to her background. I think the main reason why Salem is always calm and collected no matter what happens is because she literally has all the time in the world. She’s immortal, so if she fails to get the relics now she can just wait a couple decades and try again later. And I agree that Emerald is way in over her head. She only followed Cinder because she ‘saved’ her from the streets, I don’t think that working for satan is what she had in mind when she joined up with the crew.

John J Ronald

Hnnngg.....If only Blake had stopped talking one sentence sooner.....Yang was finally starting to smile....

John J Ronald

Important point, Ruby has an alcoholic uncle (Qrow), Weiss has an alcoholic mother...it's a thing they share in common....both families impacted by it.

John J Ronald

Shrimp & beans---sounds Cajun! Laissez les bons temps rouler!

John J Ronald

I was definitely more sympathetic toward Oz's plight and a little shocked by RWBY & Qrow's reactions the very first time I watched, but then again I'm a disinterested 3rd party, an outside observer...they've lost friends (Penny, Pyrrha) because of this struggle against Salem....and to hear Ozpin admit he has no grand strategy, he's just making things up as he goes....that makes their responses understandable....but Maria recognizes also that these responses are unhelpful right now, and Ruby agrees. I do feel bad for Ozpin, though....but especially Oscar. Ruby cares about Oscar and she looks visibly hurt when Qrow growls at her "don't lie to him, Ruby, we're better than that."...Ruby didn't feel like she was lying...and she's trying to keep Oscar's morale up. Qrow's entire world has been pulled out from under him and he's in a tailspin....I felt as worried for Qrow this volume as I did back in Volume 4.

John J Ronald

And actually Neo was a last-minute addition to the show because of a gender-bent Roman Torchwick cosplayer that Monty happened to see at a con....he added her to Volume 2 so late in the process they didn't have time to cast a voice actor....so she was mute....but it remained a point of contention if she was actually mute or just really laconic until THIS volume when they confirmed in-show that yes, she is indeed a mute. To compensate, Neo's facial animations make her incredibly expressive. I love the little details they added with the new animation engine, like Neo's green eye-shadow...looks so good on her.....

John J Ronald

It is SO true to life though....so many times you're talking to someone you're in relationship with and manage to say the one WRONG thing and everything stops on dime in ways you never intended....but what's said can't be unsaid and you just have to deal....two steps forward, one step back for these two....progress, yes, but some stumbles are to be expected.


The fun part about Neo is that technically Casey is her voice actor. The gasps and breaths that we hear throughout the show are all Casey so when she dyed her hair it had even more significance.


I find it interesting that you mentioned Raven's thoughts on what she would think if she knew what the crew knows now about Oz and Salem. This is entirely a headcanon theory on my part but I've often wondered why Jinn only had 2 questions left instead of the full 3 since we see that Oz asked her all three questions upon finding the lamp. I've always thought that maybe either Raven or Summer sought out the lamp to find out the truth. If it was Raven then it would explain her leaving, her opinions of Oz, and the reason she thinks that there is no beating Salem. If it was Summer, it might explain part of why she disappeared. None of this has been proven yet in any volumes so it's just my own little thought process for the moment but it does put some more into context if you look at it from that perspective.


Really looking forward to next week's reaction. Chapter 6 and 7 are really interesting for entirely different reasons. Strap in for a ride!


About Roman. Like you said he was eaten by a Grimm so yes that would kill him, but then Ruby kicked the Grimm into the ship at there was an explosion so that too would kill him if somehow he wasn't dead from just being eaten, then the ship crashed to the ground. I miss the guy too, but ....yeah.....he definitely dead.


I for one feel extremely bad for Oz. He held a lot of information. But after Lionheart and the others before him I understand the grief and reluctant opt he took. I just feel like they're being way hard on him. His (well Oscar's) face looked defeated after what my man (not anyone else's) Qrow had to say. And I understand the others as well, which is why I don't fault them either when expressing their feelings. Thank goodness for Maria for putting a halt on the tempers and focus on finding a shelter. 🙏 I like what someone said about Yang and Qrow's stance on the matter toward Oz. Raven planting that seed of "doubt" and hesitantly questioning Oz. Well they explained it better. 🙄 And wow Neo. She fell with style back down to Earth like she did in this ep I bet. Mary Poppin it. 🌂 You were just talking about missing Roman last week and I did too. Her wearing the hat was a nice/sad little tribute to him. 🎩 I actually do miss him a great deal. But now we get to know Neo. That's gonna be nice. P.S. HAHA That jump scare 😄

Nathan Grenawalt

Going back to episode 3 to answer one of your questions at the beginning of the episode - why did the Gods make Salem immortal? NOT to punish her, but to teach her the importance of life and death. They wanted her to understand why they had set this rule, and so thought if she was unable to die for a time she would see how death was a gift not a curse, a part of the natural cycle. "Only then may you rest," they said. If she had come to them and said she understood now, they would have lifted the curse. But the one great flaw that makes Salem the villain is that "She cursed everything but herself." She could not accept any blame in this, or admit she was wrong. I still think the Gods are jerks, though.

Nathan Grenawalt

On the subject of Neo teaming up with Cinder - remember, Neo doesn't KNOW that Roman was eaten by a Grimm. She fell off the ship they were on, leaving Roman and Ruby fighting. Then the ship blew up and crashed, and all she could find was Roman's hat, which blew off before he was eaten. So she blamed Cinder for getting them into that situation, and Ruby for the actual killing blow.

Nathan Grenawalt

Not to overload your comment section, but I want to point out how Cinder is coming full circle here. In the early volumes, she formed her own team and came up with a plan while lurking in the shadows, manipulating and scheming her way to victory. Then, with the maiden's power, she got cocky and thought she could just take what she wanted - screw teamwork and subtlety. Aaaand it backfired. So now she is in the shadows again, slowly building up her team again. Neo is similar to Roman (underworld ties), Mercury (martial arts skills) AND Emerald (Illusion powers) so she is a great team-mate for someone who has to build herself up again. We will see if Cinder learns any lessons from this.


If you look at the map you will see 2 dragon shaped landmasses.. One is similar to the God of Darkness where everyone believes Salem's hang out is. The other is On Anima close near Mistral that is similar to The God of Light's dragon form


Oh you are so right about Qrow!!! The way I see it, fighting for Oz is what gives him purpose and some semblance (no pun intended lol) of a life despite his very unfortunate quirk. Losing so many along the way might be justifiable at the end of the day if you think you're doing it for the greater good somehow. But finding out there wasn't really a point in any of it.....heartbreaking!!!! Also, great point about the little things in Salem's crew!!! And too true that much like the gods, she's still vulnerable to her emotions despite all the power. I agree about the Bees scene - it's very realistic that they could take a few steps forward and then a few steps back just based on the slip when it comes to wording and how that affects Yang! Oh you are so right about Ruby - she has a terrible weight on her shoulders now!!! I can't believe Oz is really gone.....will he ever come back?! I'm so happy you enjoyed my reaction!!!! Thank you for all your insights and compliments!! ^_^ Hope you love my reaction next week too!!!


So true, I can't imagine it was easy for him to open up about. But yes, the whole not being able to defeat Salem thing should have been addressed. I wonder....if maybe he left it out because no one was going to follow him otherwise? Super shady, but probably true! I can see how it would really bug Yang to need to be saved. Having someone by your side is another thing though! Poor Blake, if only she'd chosen her words differently! I'm loving this volume!!!! Ahhhh filming the next eps today, can't wait! Hope you love my reaction!


Thank you so much!!! I'm so worried for Qrow!!! Haha yes let's all get adopted by Maria!! Oh man, what a great moment with Neo! The hat looks cute on her for sure. That is weird that both Blake and Yang have seen Adam when he doesn't really seem to be there. Ohhh the cellar is so scary!!!! Can't wait to find out!


Omg I know, I'm so scared for them to have to tell all this to JNPR. UGGGHHH you are so right about Pyrrha, Jaune is gonna freak!!!!!!!! Poor Pyrrha, she literally died talking about destiny, like maybe her death was part of some greater purpose. The thought that it's not is soul-crushing!!!!! :(


Oh I can see that for sure about Yang and Qrow, the thought crossed my mind too that even thought she clearly didn't know the details, she was ultimately right!!!!! :(


Ohhh yes that's true, it does sound like it could be Cajun!!! I've never seen canned shrimp but that's probably just me haha, it took me aback!!


That's a good point, they're living this! Yes Maria is able to see the bigger picture which is great. Oh I know, poor Oscar!!! And I mean, I do feel bad for Ozpin too, and also for all our crew that's been affected by the withholding of truths...it's tough. Omg I am terrified for Qrow!!!! Everything he's lived for just got wrecked. Someone save my man!!!!!!!!!!


Ohhhh that's such an interesting theory!!! It would make so much sense and honestly it would put things with Raven in a totally different perspective!!!!!!


Ohhhhh good point! I'd forgotten that he blew up after being eaten, dang, he's double dead lol. RIP Roman :(


I hear you!! I feel so bad for all of them. Yes, so many people have been drawn into this personal mission of his, and have ultimately been hurt by it now, which sucks....but at the end of the day, Oz was just a guy who had an extraordinarily crazy ride of a life, death, back-to-life, etc.....he has this divine responsibility but he's just a person too. Oh I know, so grateful for Maria haha. Oh yes I know the comment you're talking about with Raven!! HAHAHAHAHA she totally Mary Poppins-ed it!!!!!!! XD Awww I know, the hat <33333 I miss him too but it's definitely nice to at least have some representation with Neo back!!! HAHAHAHA it took me by surprise so much!!!!!!!! :P


Ohhh I totally see what you mean about the gods, definitely don't agree with their methods fully like you said, but she could have learned her lesson and ended the whole thing there I suppose!!! I know for me personally, I'd probably feel pretty darn spiteful for having something like that thrust upon me though lol. Kinda goes back to what I was saying about girls (or anyone really) who are backed into a corner......sometimes the response ends up being a bit more of an "I'll show you" :/ (I speak from experience haha.) But very true that the bitterness just overtook Salem and made her the villain. Also, great point about Neo not knowing how Roman died exactly!!!! That makes sense that she'd blame Cinder and Ruby. Also, such a great point about Cinder!!!! She's back at square one. Hmm, wonder if Cinder did learn anything, guess we'll find out!


I really enjoy episode 4 even though it’s dealing with some heavy stuff. The start is just so heartbreaking for everyone involved. And since Oz is in control he's the one crying. You can’t really blame him since he was included in seeing his entire tragic backstory which must’ve been traumatic to experience again. I completely understand both sides the anger makes sense from the kids/Qrow because of what they’ve lost and had to go through for what they would potentially see as nothing and while I don’t agree with the choices Oz has made I very much sympathize with him. Having no plan is not good but at the end of day he’s protecting the world because if Salem gets the relics the gods will come and based on what the world’s like destroy it so it’s much more complex than you 1st might think. Also they may have been harsh but the only ones who are angry are Yang & Qrow you notice that Ruby is more stern/disappointed and the others are more just freaking out. All the stuff with our bird boy is so heartbreaking/upsetting. His character is 1 of the saddest in the show especially here with him losing all of his hope. You can’t not feel bad for Oscar after this since even if he’s not in control he still feels the pain after. I love that Maria and Ruby are keeping everyone together and focused on the future/staying alive. The entire tone of the show has changed and so it's very fitting that we would check back in with the villains. Once again I can’t say how much I love Tyrian enough. You would think I would not like him because he terrifies me but he's just such a well-written/fun character. He takes such absolute glee in terrorizing people and Emerald is no exception. That threat is so scary and creepy because he’s clearly enjoying cutting himself on her blade. I also love that Mercury actually shows that he cares about Emerald because I really do love their characters. There is an art to how the voice actor does Tyrian’s laughter. It’s hilarious how quickly his tone changes when he’s in the meeting with Salem and from the look on his face I don’t think he was informed he would be a part of this. I've been telling you constantly that Salem is able to be terrifying/menacing with only her words but I think this scene is when it really becomes apparent. Also her voice acting is just impeccable. Seeing Hazel who has never displayed fear so terrified adds to her presence. Also yeah at Haven I don’t think there was a way for them to fail anymore badly so I don’t blame them for being absolutely terrified. There’s a great meme based on her putting her hands together and saying. I respect Hazel so much for taking the responsibility. Salem’s reaction is shocking but makes sense because of how much she wanted things to be fair in her past. Also this is probably the only time I will ever feel bad for Tyrian since he was right next to Salem and she threw the table on top of him. I love that they show us her sheer strength and magical power in the present. The really cruel thing about asking Emerald whose to blame is that she has to throw the person she cares about so much under the bus. I believe Salem can tell Cinder is alive because of the Grimm inside of her. I love Salem’s speech about her followers only being able to get what they want by helping her get what she wants especially because the words she uses describes them. Love relates to Emerald, Justice relates to Hazel and Reverence relates to Tyrian. It’s honestly horrifying how just the mention of Ozpin makes her react the way she does. The dark swirling energy around her just adds to the effect as well as the musical cues. Also Emerald is definitely rethinking her life choices at this point. I think it was a great decision to have her calm down and then scream. I don't have much to say about the last scene at the farm they find except for the tone being very gloomy and down. Episode 5 thoughts coming soon.


This episode is great. I think it’s amazing that Neo paid to get Cinder into this position. All of us fan boys and girls which I know you’re 1 of collectively lost our minds when she showed back up. Also while many people realize when they see the umbrella some of us more obsessive I would say fans knew as soon as we saw her boots. There are a few things I want to say about the fight but for the most part I think it speaks for itself. It was so amazing to see Neo and her incredible fighting style in the new animation engine and it’s so close to the way Monty animated it as well which is something I think they really wanted as a way to honor him in the way at least that’s what I think. She’s just so smooth and stylish. Also in the past we have only really seen Cinder fight with pure power, strategy or subterfuge but here we can see she’s a skilled martial artist as well. I think Neo’s improvement is being able to maintain her physical illusions longer, use to fight and have them be in motion. It’s so heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time to see her with Roman’s hat. Also a nice little detail is without the illusion Neo’s outfit is disheveled and ripped in places showing that while she’s keeping herself healthy to get revenge otherwise she’s not really taking care of herself showing just how deeply she cared about Roman. It’s no wonder she blames Cinder who got Roman involved but a maidens power is sure to give anyone pause. The farm part is great. I think the snowstorm is really adding to the tense/foreboding atmosphere as well as the hopelessness the characters are feeling. Also I like the ambient noises of an old house. This does have a very resident evil feel to it. Weiss’s scream is so well done/realistic and once we see why she’s screaming you can’t blame her. Seeing these well-preserved almost mummified corpses most likely due to the cold is horrifying. Seeing Weiss so traumatized just makes you want to give her a hug I’m so glad they gave her blanket when she was cold is really sweet. This entire thing is such a horror premise and I don’t like horror but it’s really well done. An interesting detail is Oscar in the background pacing in a way that looks very much like Ozpin. You may not have noticed but I love that Maria rhymes when talking to Oscar. Most people have brought up the points I wanted to make about the Yang & Blake scene so all I will say is it’s really well done and I appreciate the way they handle the discussion about an abuser. Also sorry about the jump scare. Weiss in the doorway with the blanket is so cute and sad I love Ruby comforting her. I’m a big fan of Harry Potter so I loved the way Weiss lit the candles. Qrow alcoholism was always treated as a joke and I think a big reason for that was in preparation to later have a more nuanced view/narrative of the darker side of alcoholism as well as to give something in common between Weiss/Winter & Ruby/Yang. The relationship between Ruby & Weiss is so great. Finally of course there is a chained up cellar with something inside as a cliffhanger although it is very effective. This was a great set of reactions. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


I agree!!! It's so sad on both sides....and great point that it's really Yang and Qrow who are angrier than just upset/shaken/disappointed like the rest of the group. I feel so bad for my man Qrow!! And Oscar too!!! Tyrian is so much fun even if he is really creepy at the same time haha! So true about Salem! I wanna see the meme lol! Ohh that makes sense that Salem can tell Cinder is alive because of the Grimm. Great point about the speech referring to getting people what they want, not sure if I had put it together that she was referring to each of those people! Oh my gosh, her reaction was insane!! Thanks so much for your thoughts!!!


OMG!!! Neo's return was great! Haha I have no doubt that some of the even more hardcore fans knew the boots!! Good point about Cinder's fighting skills. Ugh I know, seeing her with the hat is really just sweet!! Awww I hadn't even noticed that about the outfit! :( The snowstorm definitely helps with the scary/trapped vibe and the hopelessness. I've only ever watched a few scenes of Resident Evil being played (it freaks me out haha) but I can totally see the resemblance! The corpses were so creepy, and even creepier that the gang has to stay in the house with them!!! Awww poor Weiss!!! Agreed on the horror premise, definitely has the earmarks but wasn't done in a way that would be hard for non-horror fans. Ohhh I didn't notice that Maria rhymes when talking to Oscar!!! Hahaha no worries about the jump scare, I need a good shot to the heart every once in a while LOL! The Ruby/Weiss scene was sweet! Oh good point about the candles! Yeah I kinda noticed that the drinking was taken really lightly, it's interesting that they would get into it a bit more in a darker perspective! Ohhhh the cellar was so scary hahaha!!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate your support and compliments!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Beowolf Chow

Jen Taylor's voicework for Salem's first line in episode 4 gives me chills every time I hear it. Just the way her voice cracks as she says the word "Failed", perfectly conveys her barely restrained rage, and how close she is to just killing everyone in that room.


Oh I couldn't agree more!!! She conveys it so well. She truly brings Salem's presence to life with her acting!!!

Aundry Vue

"Carbon Monoxide in the air or something" Oh no...It is SOO MUCH worse than that. You do realize that the hooded figure fighting in the opening was Cinder fighting Neo right? I mean Neo blamed Cinder for putting her and Roman in that situation in the first place and Ruby for ruining their plans, she probably didn't know about the Grimm and even if she did then the Grimm would mostly died from the explosion, so she has to have someone to blame here. But literally though Pyrrha was turned into literal ember and ashes, the only way I think for someone to comeback from that is through some divine intervention and we all know how the Two Gods feel about it if their magic is used like that, Penny is more likely to comeback because she is an android and she could be repaired, Neo was never confirm or have even seen to be dead in the first place thanks to her parasol/umbrella and the likelihood of Roman to survive from being digested by a Grimm and that same Grimm was explode from crashing on an airship is a huge leap if you ask me. Also, I think the Gods and Salem are both at fault here, they could have given her a less severe punishment/lesson so that Salem could have learn the lesson of life and death, but she close to only blame things on their end and does not admit her own flaws in all of this, if she have learned her mistakes and the right lesson then the Gods would have removed her curse and allow to be normal again. And at the end of the day, the God of Light even said and admit that they have made a mistake and will try to learn from it before leaving Remnant, they also said that they hope Salem will learn her mistakes as well and you have seen how that go. One thing I do like about the Two Brother Gods are their transformation into Dragons, because it's very fitting on them. The God of Darkness transforms into a Western dragon and in Western culture they are known to be cruel, savage and symbolizes evil, death and destruction. While The God of Light transforms into an Eastern dragon and in Eastern and Asian culture, they are mystical, sacred and possibly even divine beings that symbolize fortune, strength and great wisdom.


Did I say something suggesting that I didn't think Cinder was the one in the hood? I thought I had acknowledged it at some point, but if I was confused about it, I've already forgotten that I was. :P Good point that Pyrrha's and Roman's deaths are sadly much more confirmed and/or permanent than Neo's or Penny's. And I agree that the gods and Salem had their parts to play when it comes to who was wrong. Ooohhh that's so interesting about western vs eastern interpretations of dragons!!!! That definitely makes sense then!!