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**Sorry for the long intro!!!  Skip to around the 12 min mark for the reaction!!**

Hey everyone!  I'm here today with episode 5 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier!!!!  WOW, what an impactful, thought-provoking episode!!!  I got a little overwhelmed by some of the themes brought up here because I know just how true to life they are.  But I am increasingly more proud of Sam each time I watch this show - never giving up hope!  I want to live in a world where he is Captain America!!!!  I loved the conversation between Sam and Bucky and their "I'm-your-friend-but-won't-say-it" friendship is so heartwarming!  Also, Bucky and Sarah....?!?!  Not on Sam's watch lol!!!  Also THE BOAT!!!!!  I was super proud of Bucky during his moment with Zemo as well.  And it looks like Karli isn't even trying to get around the whole criminal thing now.  Sam, get to NY fast!!!!  Can't wait to see who/what Sam becomes....!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


Falcon and the Winter Soldier 1x05 full reaction.mp4



In the comics, Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine is a complicated character but she was known as Madame Hydra for a time, so her approaching Walker and telling him that she'll be in contact might not be good. But she also worked for SHIELD for a long time, so I wonder if this is the beginning of the Thunderbolts (a team similar to DC's Suicide Squad).

David M.

Another great reaction, Miss Hime! You brought up a good point about how PTSD could be a factor in how the SS serum could negatively affect individuals who take it especially if they have trouble dealing with it. In Walker’s mind he’s doing whatever it takes to stop the bad guys and believes his actions are justified (what he was trying to explain at his hearing), but his rage coupled with the effects of the serum along with his PTSD distorts his view of what being Captain America is all about. Revenge blurs the lines of right and wrong and he ultimately wants to go to the extreme to deal with those who pose a threat. I think the item they made for Sam in Wakanda might be some outfit made of Vibranium like Black Panther’s outfit. Or at the very least it could be new and super-improved wings. Whatever it is, it would be nice if we get to see Shuri make a cameo in the finale - maybe explaining the item’s features to Sam, or maybe even just a quick flashback scene showing her working on it! Can’t wait for the finale!


Julia Louis-Dreyfus is playing Contessa Valentina Allegra De Fontaine. That is a huge cameo! She came in and said "put respect on my name". 👢


Ohhh that's interesting! Definitely unsettling about the Hydra aspect, but would also be interesting if she's putting together the Thunderbolts!! Thanks for the info!


Thank you so much, David!!! I'm glad you liked the point I made about PTSD! I definitely see how John is doing what he thinks is right, despite him not being in a good mindset to make decisions. I think you make a great point about revenge obscuring right and wrong! Ohhhh that makes much more sense that it's a suit lol! I was thinking wings. Maybe it's both! I'd love it if Shuri showed up!! The finale is bound to be awesome - can't wait!!!


It really is!!!!!!!! Elaine!!!!!!!!! :D Oh wow, this character definitely seems like she's powerful/mysterious for sure!!! The boots too lol!!!