Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3x09: "Hunt for Ziro" reaction & review (Patreon)
2021-05-31 12:59:06
2021-07-21 12:24:26
Hey everyone! Here's my reaction and review of Clone Wars 3x09! Oh my gosh!!! I was SO excited for more Ziro in this ep.....until what happened at the end :( I was more than ready to take on his relationship as my new favorite ship haha!! How could she do that to him?!
He loved her :'( RIP, my precious Ziro!!! He'll always live on in my heart!!! Also, it was fun to see Vos, who I learned later is a character from a different Star Wars series - he's super cool and I hope we get to see more of him again! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH