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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction to the Kamen Rider Revice Movie!!!  It was SOOOO fun!!!!  I love all the fun jokes, cool action scenes, and just general silliness!!!  And of course, you just know there had to be spiders...!!!!  Why is it always spiders?!?!?  I think my favorite part of this was Vice just constantly breaking the fourth wall and Ikki having no clue what's going on lol.  Such a fun breather from the drama that we're ramping up in the main arc!!!  I enjoyed it, and hope you do too!!!  ~ MH


Kamen Rider Revice the Movie full reaction.mp4


ABHB Ya-iba

You ask why it is Spider? Because Spider is the FIRST enemy ever that appear in the Kamen Rider Franchise! It is the first monster Kamen Rider 1 has fought! And it is technically the first Revice's monster! Since it was aired before Saber final episode. REJOICE TO THE SPIDER! The first ever enemy!


OHHHHHHH that makes total sense then actually!!!! Okay then, well, I can live with the spider then :P Haha!

Thomas Whitehead

Will you also try to watch Saber + Superhero Senki in the future


That was so good! Melissa I think Vice caught up to your score with the punny humor, he blew them out of the water in this one! 🌊 🦈


I would love to see it! Yes, let’s add it to the list of things I can watch if/when Revice has a break!


Right?! And lol I think you’re right, I’ve been outdone!!! And I see what you did there 😉 🦈

ABHB Ya-iba

Wow, they really put a top mystery point of the show in the movie exclusive episode. More to that, a main alternative form which make it debut in theatre. Don't they have any sympathy for people who can't go to theater? It's feel like if one has to lock themself from the outside during the pandemic while Spiderman: No Way Home airing in theater... Technically, this movie is the very first Revice that was aired. During the time it was in theater, Revice is not even officially announce. We only knew that the new Rider series is Kamen Rider Revice. And then, a shot from the movie was leaked. BOOM! Kamen Rider Revice: Decade Genome. The first time I saw it is like... WTH?! Zi-O just ended 3 years ago! Why not you wait until the 10th Reiwa Rider to bring this theme back. Until they made an announce that technically, that is not a Decade Genome. It's Megalodon. They said that Revi and Vice will used the Legend Rider design and Strong Beast Power, so it is just a Big Sharky that looks like Decade. I was not happy with this, but then I start to feel that this is interesting. Until they announce about 8 other Vistamp and their motif. Once again, I feel WTH?! They don't seems to related at all! Why did Ex-aid become a Jackal? Why Gaim a Mantis?! Why Kuuga a Lion?!! That not making any sense! But now, all 10 Vistamps is already put to my collection. Well, I feel that this is amazing now. My goal is to collect all the main Rider based Vistamp. I feel like if I expand my goal, it might destroy my budget. Talking about this, I almost complete Saber's collection, but still too far to complete for Zero-One's. Well, Zero-One also have too much driver, and what expensive the most is the driver! Right now, I only have Zero-One Driver + Zero-Two Unit, AIMS ShotRiser, and just a few Progrise Key. It was no great compare to the amount of Saber's things I have. But Revice gonna come and destroy my budget even more. What great is this movie is another place where we see Vice as a bike. Unfortunately that the recent Riders use their bike less than their senior. When I go back and Watch W, I feel like W almost always appear with their bike, while Build, Zi-O, Zero-One, Saber, and even Revice appear with their bike very least. Some fan even did the statistic about which Rider having the most air time on their bike, and Zero-One and Saber is somewhere at the bottom place. But what amazing is, Revi and Vice can use different Genome! As for normal transformation, they always become same Genome, both of them will always transform into the same form. But in this movie, we saw that they can manage to change Vice Genome by stamping a Vistamp on Vice's chest. I was just thinking that what happen if they stamp a Vistamp on Revice Driver, but then use another Vistamp to transform. Will Revi and Vice transform into different genome? But seems they don't need to do that complicated thing. As I said, this episode is set after episode 4 where they already collect Ptera Vistamp, but the very first scene is seems to be the early event of episode 1. And since Revice that appear in Saber's final already obtained Megalodon, it means that Saber's final take place after this movie. Which make sense if we never see Spider and Batta Vistamp before, and I don't remember about it, so it might make sense. So, what does it mean by that Ikki vanished from the family photo. Guess we will have to wait and see in next episode. Or might even later than that... Count at movie end Vistamps in Revi's possession: Rex, Eagle, Mammoth, Megalodon, Ptera Vistamps in Fenix's possession: Lion, Jackal, Bat, Giff Stamp Vistamps in Deadmans' possession: Giff Junior Proto Vistamps in Fenix's possession: Kamakiri, Kong, Spider Proto Vistamps in Deadmans' possession: Daiouika, Wolf Fun Fact: As with most Deadmans' contract holders, this man serves as an antithesis to the actual main user of the Spider Vistamp, Hiromi Kadota. The unnamed salary man was driven to unleash his inner demon after feeling being prosecuted by those in higher position. In contrast, Hiromi humbly followed orders by his superiors once he knew he made wrong choices, not giving into malice and ill-will. Also, Oltreca, the Giant Squid Deadman, is seems to be a reference to one of the classic monsters of Kamen Rider. As we have Bat, Cobra, and Spider as the Big Three, we also have Aguilera's Queen Bee for the Wasp Woman from Kamen Rider 1, and we also have Olteca's squid motif which is an homage to Dr. Shinigami, one of the first two Shocker generals from the 1971 Kamen Rider TV series. According to designer Masato Hisa, Daiouika Deadman's design also includes a goat and narwhal aesthetic to reflect his demon motif. Vistamp of the Week: Spider Proto Vistamp: Serves as the Prototype of personal Vistamp of Kamen Rider Demons, who using it to transform into his default form, Spider Genome. It contains the genetic information of a spider. It was used to summon the Spider Deadman and is recollected. "Spider!" ―Activation announcement "Deal!" ―First stamp in the Driver above slot "Decide up! Deep. (Fukaku) Drop. (Ochiru) Danger. (Kiki) Kamen Rider Demons!" ―Transformation announcement Megalodon Vistamp: Allows Revi and Vice to access their Megalodon Genome. It contains the genetic information of a megalodon and is based on Kamen Rider Decade. "Megalodon!" ―Activation announcement "Come on! Megalodon!" ―Looping standby announcement "Buddy Up! Dive boom boom! Ready, go! Splash! Megalodon! Just a passing through hu-hu-hu-hunter!" ―Transformation announcement "Remix! Buddy up! The Finisher! What a ton! Mega-boom! Megalodon!" ―Remix Mode transformation announcement


Hahaha yeah it's tough having to wait on something while it's in the theater!! Ahh thanks for clarifying about the big sharky!!! And glad you were able to come around to the idea of the Vistamps. Your collection sounds pretty sweet! Good point about how nice it is to have a bike in Kamen Rider again! Also I'm still not sure about the photo lol. Thanks so much for all the info!