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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction and review of episode 20 of the final season of AoT!  WHOA!!!!  What?!?!?!  Let's review....they started this ep with ZEKE trying to convince EREN to his side....and that quickly becomes reversed.  We also started with one brother being the one with the "crazy" plan, and the other being the one using "reason".....and WOW, where we landed was in a very very strange place!!!!!  I'm happy in a way that this happened because I feel like it gave Zeke a lot of closure, but um.....YEAH I'M PRETTY SURE EREN IS THE VILLAIN NOW?!  How did they turn that one around so fast?!  Yet in a way, this isn't inconsistent with everything we know of Eren to this point.  What a PARADOX though, to think that Eren caused this all in some way...!!!  Wow!!!  It's a lot to process!!!  I guess we'll see what happens from here.  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Attack on Titan 4x20 full reaction.mp4



I think Eren, probably had clear vision from the moment that he kissed Historia's, hand, which likely explains why they showed it in this episode. If you go back to the end of season three, they showed some of Grisha's, memories, but Eren, didn't show us all of them I guess. If you think about it, that's when everything changed. I think Eren's, unrelenting will is definitely terrifying. You can see how frightened Grisha, is of Eren, throughout this episode. As to whether Eren, is the villain; we can't really judge fairly without knowing all that he knows, & context matters. Is Eren, really any different from Erwin, or Zeke, in terms of using violence to achieve a goal they may believe is righteous? As Armin, says in season one, “I don't like the terms "good person" or "bad person" because it is impossible to be entirely good to everyone. To some, you are a good person, while to others, you are a bad person.”

Tyler Stobbe

So let me get this straight… Eren told Grisha to kill everyone in the royal family except the father…. The father is actually the one who starts to unlock Eren’s memories when he captures him… Because Eren has the Attack Titan, he’s able to see into the future and knows exactly what needs to happen in the upcoming times so the past is affected… I’m gonna borrow a line from RWBY Chibi. “OW! My brainbox!!” But you are referring to this as a paradox, but I think it’s more like an infinite loop. A paradox is where something happens that can’t possibly happen, I think. If Grisha didn’t end up killing the kids, it would be a paradox then, right? At this point, everything that has happened in the past is still happening in the future, even though we’re interacting with the… past…? OW! MY BRAIN BOX!! I need more information: I can’t really figure out Eren until he actually reveals his intention. Clearly it’s something that saves Eldia, but Grisha doesn’t want him to go through with it, so I think he’s asking Zeke to create a paradox…? Anyway, the first thing I thought of after this ended was remember at the end of Season 3, when they showed Grisha’s flashback with the Owl? He literally mentions Eren, Mikasa and Armin by name… I’m just putting the pieces together after this and they sort of start to make more sense…? I THINK…? My brain box still hurts…. By the way, I don’t do this often, but I’m going to ask you to do this next week for AoT. Write this down because I think it’s going to be relevant. Look at the title of the very first episode of the series, and compare it with the title for next week’s episode. (Don’t do it now, but do it just before you record. I think it might mean something.) You said you have no words. Allow me. Our sanity is Jenga and AoT just pulled another piece out of the tower. 😂 ….You ordered pizza after you finished all this chaos, didn’t you. I need to go soothe my brain box now…


When Grisha is "looking" at Eren/Zeke, he is seeing himself from Eren's POV/perspective. He's guessing where Eren is positioned based off of what memories Eren is sending him through time. Since time is fixed in AOT (not a spoiler), Grisha was always meant to kill the Reiss family. Neither the past nor future can be changed. Also in chapter 1 of the manga (not in the anime), I think Grisha was not looking at young Eren when he was talking about the key.


It's quite a common time travel paradox actually, it's called the bootstrap paradox, so calling it's paradox is totally fine :)


Well, me rooting for Eren lasted about 1 episode, now I'm back to not kowning who to root for anymore. I like how they used almost the same cliffhanger this episode as last episode, last episode cliffhanger: "headbutt", this episodes cliffhanger: "moment after headbutt" Nice to have Eren's main motiviation very clear "I'll take other's freedom before they take mine", I think Armin thought about that the other episode when Mikasa asked him why Eren was doing this and Armin thought back to the beach episode and remember there Eren said "If we destroy our enemies on the other side of the sea will we finally be free"




Hahaha same here!!! Ahh good call on the cliffhanger, too! Ohh yes, that moment that flashed for Armin, it did correlate to this, didn't it?! :O


OHHHHHHH!!! So he wasn't looking at Eren....he was looking through Eren's eyes....!!! Interesting that in the manga, it was the same as well - he wasn't looking at young Eren. Fixed time....hmm!!! I can definitely see that, with the exception of abilities of Titans like the Attack Titan. Thanks for explaining!


Ah yes!!! Thanks for the reminder. That makes sense that that's when everything changed. Eren's determination would be a good thing on any other shonen series but....here we see just how scary it can be!!! Also, great point about the whole villain thing depending on the context, and omg, I'd almost forgotten that line from Armin - very close to what I was feeling after this ep though. It depends on which "side" you're on, which I feel like is kinda the whole point!!! Different sides thinking they're "right". :O


I think all our brain boxes are in pain right now!!!!!!!!!! >.< And Magnus, glad to know I wasn't too off with the paradox thing, sounds like maybe it could be considered either/or! It's SO much, right?! Like Eren had to cause this in order for Grisha to kill almost everyone, the dad to unlock his memories, etc....!!! I'm with you, I'm still not totally clear on Eren's exact intentions to save Eldia. Whatever it is, it's got Grisha freaked OUT!!! OHHHHHH that is SUCH a good call about the Owl actually speaking of the three of them / most likely seeing the future. Oooohhhh....!!! Wasn't the first one called "To You, in 2000 Years"?! WHOAAAAAA I always kinda thought that had to do with Armin or whoever narrating / plotting this whole history....but come to think of it............could it have to do with the Attack Titan?!?!?!! NOW MY BRAIN BOX HURTS EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I don't think there's a better metaphor than the Jenga one, you nailed it! Go take care of that brain box now....!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 00:44:55 ***Just editing this one for YouTube now and noticed Grisha's line "I live there with my wife, son and daughter" during the scene with the Reiss family. Idk why but I just audibly aww'ed at him calling Mikasa his daughter!!! <3
2022-02-01 17:12:09 ***Just editing this one for YouTube now and noticed Grisha's line "I live there with my wife, son and daughter" during the scene with the Reiss family. Idk why but I just audibly aww'ed at him calling Mikasa his daughter!!! <3

***Just editing this one for YouTube now and noticed Grisha's line "I live there with my wife, son and daughter" during the scene with the Reiss family. Idk why but I just audibly aww'ed at him calling Mikasa his daughter!!! <3


Good point about other shonen series compared with this story. I know most people consider Attack on titan to be shonen, but a lot of the time it feels more like a seinen:)


I'm going to be honest and say that I am rooting for Eren, because I agree with his ideal that freedom is sacred. However, I also, feel that life is intrinsically sacred, so I don't like the idea of mass murder. When it comes down to it; we're probably talking about a conflict between life &amp; freedom. Personally I feel that freedom should win against life, because I would rather be dead than lose my freedom. It's tough, because I don't think the rest of the world beyond the walls deserve to die, but neither do Eldians deserve to die or lose their freedom. If negotiation is impossible then it may come down to survival of the fittest unfortunately.


Thank you!!! I didn't even realize there was a separate category known as seinen, thank you for telling me about it! It definitely has some more seinen qualities!!!!!!


That's an interesting point! I agree that life is sacred, and that things get a bit murky when we start talking about lives on all sides at stake. Sadly I have a feeling you might be right that in the end it will come down to survival of the fittest.....definitely can't blame Eren for wanting freedom though! I wish it didn't have to come down to one side surviving or the other. I guess we'll see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 00:44:55 This was a fantastic episode. As soon as I saw baby Eren I knew I was in for quite a ride especially because I had a feeling it would be a discussion between present-day Eren and Zeke. You can really feel the bitterness and sadness from Zeke because his father was able to be happy after the terrible things he did to Zeke. It’s interesting that 1 of the times Eren seems reflective and doesn’t immediately leave a memory is when it involves his mother. It’s obvious to us Eren isn’t brainwashed but of course Zeke would assume that with what he went through. I love seeing the little snapshots of Grisha’s life with his son growing up especially the bittersweet moment with Hannes and learning how he went about finding out the secrets in the walls. That moment of Eren going I’m no longer brainwashed was him being a sarcastic little shit being like are we done here? Nice bit of dry humor. It’s crazy how close Grisha got to the center of things since we see Kenny right there. It’s really impressive he found the founder so quickly. I love how well the emotions of anxiety and fear as well as love from Grisha when he doesn’t complete his mission right there because of his love for his family. Strangely this decision was lucky because if he was facing the former founder Uri it would have been more dangerous and difficult since he was more experienced. You can really tell how hard a time Zeke is having reconciling the father he knew with the father Grisha was towards Eren. It must hurt so much to know the love Zeke could have had from his father. It makes sense with his childhood trauma that Zeke could not fathom that Grisha would feel any sort of regret/remorse for what happened with him but he’s dreaming about him naturally or because he’s seeing Zeke thanks to Eren. It’s so wild for Grisha to be able to see them and the shock is evident from Zeke and Eren. This was also a good way to show that Eren doesn’t know everything of the future but I think this was when he realized how he was supposed to bring about the future he saw by manipulating his father. And it’s when the dynamic clearly changes and Eren becomes more in control. It’s nice that Zeke asks the questions we as the audience want to know about his brothers plans and intentions. I want to point out that when we zoom in on Eren’s eyes the way it’s drawn purposefully resembles paths. And he brings up something many of us had already realized that he never really changed and always had violent tendencies. It’s both scary and hilarious that Zeke is just as horrified as his father with what Eren did to those bandits which is saying something considering what Zeke has done in the past. Also while he may have psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies it’s hard to place him distinctly in either category being able to be emotionless when necessary while also having a lot of different emotions especially when it comes to the people he cares about demonstrated by his focus on such an important moment with Mikasa with a notably softer look than we have seen in a long time. Even though it seems obvious that Eren doesn’t need saving of course Zeke would want to do that for someone he cares so deeply about after what his surrogate father figure did for him with a nice reminder seeing a kid playing with his own father. I love how the music starts up when they show the key considering it’s importance. It’s so cool to see an episode one scene done by a different studio and aside from a few seconds it’s mostly shot for shot the same which is a lot of dedication from the studio if you ask me. While Zeke looks shocked to learn a lot about his brother Eren just looks quietly surprised maybe thinking deeply about how his motives have changed if not by much because of everything he has learned and seen at this point. It’s so disturbing to know Grisha is seeing himself through his son’s eyes and is able to tell its his adult son from the future and interesting/cool that in the manga he was actually looking in adult Eren’s direction. At this point Grisha must’ve thought he was going mad. The music picking up and taking on a darker tone is so good and I think the image of the birds flying away with Grisha’s eyes not visible is iconic I love it. I’m so glad we finally got to see the full conversation/argument between Grisha and Frieda. It’s horrifying to see the control/will of the king in action although I do love the eye color purple is a great color. The ideology of the king is so messed up because while peace is great the idea of peace at the cost of so many lives is just wrong even if unfortunately/sadly that is what tends to bring about peace IRL. Also Grisha seems to gesture towards Eren when making his argument and the desperation is most likely because he knows what will happen if they don’t listen. It makes sense that Zeke would understand that ideology considering his plan and they are actually distantly related. I love how you can see the rage building up within Eren the longer the King talks it just goes against his ideals so much. Also there is a subtle rumbling noise accompanying this anger and Grisha can sense this scary anger. There are 2 possibilities for what’s going on either Grisha is completely right and this is the special trait of the attack Titan and of course he would think this considering the crazy stuff he’s been seeing or this is only because of Eren being in the paths and he came to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. The thing is it doesn’t really matter it is happening and the means aren’t important. Having knowledge of the future is trippy feeling like the future has already been decided. I love Grisha’s hesitance because of how it solidifies how much of a changed man he is. It’s a good way to show character that Frieda also hesitates even with her family breathing down her neck. Also I want to point out that Rod Reiss being here is was already running before Frieda said anything it’s both funny and sad. The entire speech from Eren inciting and manipulating Grisha with his own memories probably is the most disturbing thing in the entire show and that’s saying something. Eren was disgusted alright Zeke with his father’s lack of resolve/the king in general. The rest of this episode is truly chilling and depressing. Grisha’s entire breakdown was so disturbing and upsetting but the voice acting might be some of the best in the entire show and considering how much great acting there is and Grisha having relatively little screen time and the animation especially the quick cuts doing great at representing the frantic nature and enormity of his horrific actions. Just hearing how tired he is hurts. Eren being selective with memories is definitely to make sure Grisha had reason to keep going making sure the future happens as it always did since this seems to be a time loop of some sort. His apology to Zeke here is a great moment but it’s definitely not happy and the tone of the scene as well as music is lamenting the fact that this happened too late and is depressing I am glad they got this closure at least. This was simultaneously something Zeke always wanted and not at all in the way he wanted it. It’s probably the 1st Zeke has thought of Grisha as a father since he was a child. On the whole was this necessary thing it actually most likely is necessary to save Armin and Mikasa the scary part is the really terrible things he’s willing to do to accomplish that goal. I love how not knowing what Eren is going to do increases the dread so much which was the intention. Just realizing everything was turned on its head once again so quickly is crazy. No wonder Grisha was freaking out so much when giving Eren the Titan serum after all this. Hearing the words stop Eren is so crazy it’s surprising he still set these events into motion after saying this but I would not be surprised if he received more future memories after this. It does look like Eren is really making himself the villain protagonist but I’m still putting my money on my theory about Eran making himself the ultimate evil and then dying in a way to ensure peace which would actually make him an antihero doing bad things for good reasons. I love how even though Eren is still in chains at the end of the episode you can barely see them representing the presence and control he is displaying. Grisha is an incredible character and I love how we have seen him in so many different lights making him very intriguing being able to view him in different ways. This episode was definitely hammering in again that there is no black or white in this show. The whole idea of these things being meant to happen brings up the idea of determinism which is everything in the world is predetermined by fate and there isn’t free will which would be so sad that a story with characters fighting so desperately for freedom and none more so than Eren is in a deterministic universe where there is none but as someone pointed out to me that would probably be the kind of tragedy the author of AOT would love from what I have heard he has a very dark and messed up sense of humor as well. Also as 2 brothers I watch react to the show wrote in the description of their reaction this show added "driving your own dad into a mental breakdown until they (in the past) start screaming to your brother (who's watching from the future) to stop you” to Eren’s list of power plays. And a lot of people have pointed out that Zeke in this entire episode was the surprised Pikachu meme. Finally the best way to summarize this episode simply is that it’s a mind fuck. Great reaction and while it may not be enjoyable per se this show is certainly entertaining being so interesting and thought-provoking. Keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2022-02-12 06:11:00 This was a fantastic episode. As soon as I saw baby Eren I knew I was in for quite a ride especially because I had a feeling it would be a discussion between present-day Eren and Zeke. You can really feel the bitterness and sadness from Zeke because his father was able to be happy after the terrible things he did to Zeke. It’s interesting that 1 of the times Eren seems reflective and doesn’t immediately leave a memory is when it involves his mother. It’s obvious to us Eren isn’t brainwashed but of course Zeke would assume that with what he went through. I love seeing the little snapshots of Grisha’s life with his son growing up especially the bittersweet moment with Hannes and learning how he went about finding out the secrets in the walls. That moment of Eren going I’m no longer brainwashed was him being a sarcastic little shit being like are we done here? Nice bit of dry humor. It’s crazy how close Grisha got to the center of things since we see Kenny right there. It’s really impressive he found the founder so quickly. I love how well the emotions of anxiety and fear as well as love from Grisha when he doesn’t complete his mission right there because of his love for his family. Strangely this decision was lucky because if he was facing the former founder Uri it would have been more dangerous and difficult since he was more experienced. You can really tell how hard a time Zeke is having reconciling the father he knew with the father Grisha was towards Eren. It must hurt so much to know the love Zeke could have had from his father. It makes sense with his childhood trauma that Zeke could not fathom that Grisha would feel any sort of regret/remorse for what happened with him but he’s dreaming about him naturally or because he’s seeing Zeke thanks to Eren. It’s so wild for Grisha to be able to see them and the shock is evident from Zeke and Eren. This was also a good way to show that Eren doesn’t know everything of the future but I think this was when he realized how he was supposed to bring about the future he saw by manipulating his father. And it’s when the dynamic clearly changes and Eren becomes more in control. It’s nice that Zeke asks the questions we as the audience want to know about his brothers plans and intentions. I want to point out that when we zoom in on Eren’s eyes the way it’s drawn purposefully resembles paths. And he brings up something many of us had already realized that he never really changed and always had violent tendencies. It’s both scary and hilarious that Zeke is just as horrified as his father with what Eren did to those bandits which is saying something considering what Zeke has done in the past. Also while he may have psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies it’s hard to place him distinctly in either category being able to be emotionless when necessary while also having a lot of different emotions especially when it comes to the people he cares about demonstrated by his focus on such an important moment with Mikasa with a notably softer look than we have seen in a long time. Even though it seems obvious that Eren doesn’t need saving of course Zeke would want to do that for someone he cares so deeply about after what his surrogate father figure did for him with a nice reminder seeing a kid playing with his own father. I love how the music starts up when they show the key considering it’s importance. It’s so cool to see an episode one scene done by a different studio and aside from a few seconds it’s mostly shot for shot the same which is a lot of dedication from the studio if you ask me. While Zeke looks shocked to learn a lot about his brother Eren just looks quietly surprised maybe thinking deeply about how his motives have changed if not by much because of everything he has learned and seen at this point. It’s so disturbing to know Grisha is seeing himself through his son’s eyes and is able to tell its his adult son from the future and interesting/cool that in the manga he was actually looking in adult Eren’s direction. At this point Grisha must’ve thought he was going mad. The music picking up and taking on a darker tone is so good and I think the image of the birds flying away with Grisha’s eyes not visible is iconic I love it. I’m so glad we finally got to see the full conversation/argument between Grisha and Frieda. It’s horrifying to see the control/will of the king in action although I do love the eye color purple is a great color. The ideology of the king is so messed up because while peace is great the idea of peace at the cost of so many lives is just wrong even if unfortunately/sadly that is what tends to bring about peace IRL. Also Grisha seems to gesture towards Eren when making his argument and the desperation is most likely because he knows what will happen if they don’t listen. It makes sense that Zeke would understand that ideology considering his plan and they are actually distantly related. I love how you can see the rage building up within Eren the longer the King talks it just goes against his ideals so much. Also there is a subtle rumbling noise accompanying this anger and Grisha can sense this scary anger. There are 2 possibilities for what’s going on either Grisha is completely right and this is the special trait of the attack Titan and of course he would think this considering the crazy stuff he’s been seeing or this is only because of Eren being in the paths and he came to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. The thing is it doesn’t really matter it is happening and the means aren’t important. Having knowledge of the future is trippy feeling like the future has already been decided. I love Grisha’s hesitance because of how it solidifies how much of a changed man he is. It’s a good way to show character that Frieda also hesitates even with her family breathing down her neck. Also I want to point out that Rod Reiss being here is was already running before Frieda said anything it’s both funny and sad. The entire speech from Eren inciting and manipulating Grisha with his own memories probably is the most disturbing thing in the entire show and that’s saying something. Eren was disgusted alright Zeke with his father’s lack of resolve/the king in general. The rest of this episode is truly chilling and depressing. Grisha’s entire breakdown was so disturbing and upsetting but the voice acting might be some of the best in the entire show and considering how much great acting there is and Grisha having relatively little screen time and the animation especially the quick cuts doing great at representing the frantic nature and enormity of his horrific actions. Just hearing how tired he is hurts. Eren being selective with memories is definitely to make sure Grisha had reason to keep going making sure the future happens as it always did since this seems to be a time loop of some sort. His apology to Zeke here is a great moment but it’s definitely not happy and the tone of the scene as well as music is lamenting the fact that this happened too late and is depressing I am glad they got this closure at least. This was simultaneously something Zeke always wanted and not at all in the way he wanted it. It’s probably the 1st Zeke has thought of Grisha as a father since he was a child. On the whole was this necessary thing it actually most likely is necessary to save Armin and Mikasa the scary part is the really terrible things he’s willing to do to accomplish that goal. I love how not knowing what Eren is going to do increases the dread so much which was the intention. Just realizing everything was turned on its head once again so quickly is crazy. No wonder Grisha was freaking out so much when giving Eren the Titan serum after all this. Hearing the words stop Eren is so crazy it’s surprising he still set these events into motion after saying this but I would not be surprised if he received more future memories after this. It does look like Eren is really making himself the villain protagonist but I’m still putting my money on my theory about Eran making himself the ultimate evil and then dying in a way to ensure peace which would actually make him an antihero doing bad things for good reasons. I love how even though Eren is still in chains at the end of the episode you can barely see them representing the presence and control he is displaying. Grisha is an incredible character and I love how we have seen him in so many different lights making him very intriguing being able to view him in different ways. This episode was definitely hammering in again that there is no black or white in this show. The whole idea of these things being meant to happen brings up the idea of determinism which is everything in the world is predetermined by fate and there isn’t free will which would be so sad that a story with characters fighting so desperately for freedom and none more so than Eren is in a deterministic universe where there is none but as someone pointed out to me that would probably be the kind of tragedy the author of AOT would love from what I have heard he has a very dark and messed up sense of humor as well. Also as 2 brothers I watch react to the show wrote in the description of their reaction this show added "driving your own dad into a mental breakdown until they (in the past) start screaming to your brother (who's watching from the future) to stop you” to Eren’s list of power plays. And a lot of people have pointed out that Zeke in this entire episode was the surprised Pikachu meme. Finally the best way to summarize this episode simply is that it’s a mind fuck. Great reaction and while it may not be enjoyable per se this show is certainly entertaining being so interesting and thought-provoking. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

This was a fantastic episode. As soon as I saw baby Eren I knew I was in for quite a ride especially because I had a feeling it would be a discussion between present-day Eren and Zeke. You can really feel the bitterness and sadness from Zeke because his father was able to be happy after the terrible things he did to Zeke. It’s interesting that 1 of the times Eren seems reflective and doesn’t immediately leave a memory is when it involves his mother. It’s obvious to us Eren isn’t brainwashed but of course Zeke would assume that with what he went through. I love seeing the little snapshots of Grisha’s life with his son growing up especially the bittersweet moment with Hannes and learning how he went about finding out the secrets in the walls. That moment of Eren going I’m no longer brainwashed was him being a sarcastic little shit being like are we done here? Nice bit of dry humor. It’s crazy how close Grisha got to the center of things since we see Kenny right there. It’s really impressive he found the founder so quickly. I love how well the emotions of anxiety and fear as well as love from Grisha when he doesn’t complete his mission right there because of his love for his family. Strangely this decision was lucky because if he was facing the former founder Uri it would have been more dangerous and difficult since he was more experienced. You can really tell how hard a time Zeke is having reconciling the father he knew with the father Grisha was towards Eren. It must hurt so much to know the love Zeke could have had from his father. It makes sense with his childhood trauma that Zeke could not fathom that Grisha would feel any sort of regret/remorse for what happened with him but he’s dreaming about him naturally or because he’s seeing Zeke thanks to Eren. It’s so wild for Grisha to be able to see them and the shock is evident from Zeke and Eren. This was also a good way to show that Eren doesn’t know everything of the future but I think this was when he realized how he was supposed to bring about the future he saw by manipulating his father. And it’s when the dynamic clearly changes and Eren becomes more in control. It’s nice that Zeke asks the questions we as the audience want to know about his brothers plans and intentions. I want to point out that when we zoom in on Eren’s eyes the way it’s drawn purposefully resembles paths. And he brings up something many of us had already realized that he never really changed and always had violent tendencies. It’s both scary and hilarious that Zeke is just as horrified as his father with what Eren did to those bandits which is saying something considering what Zeke has done in the past. Also while he may have psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies it’s hard to place him distinctly in either category being able to be emotionless when necessary while also having a lot of different emotions especially when it comes to the people he cares about demonstrated by his focus on such an important moment with Mikasa with a notably softer look than we have seen in a long time. Even though it seems obvious that Eren doesn’t need saving of course Zeke would want to do that for someone he cares so deeply about after what his surrogate father figure did for him with a nice reminder seeing a kid playing with his own father. I love how the music starts up when they show the key considering it’s importance. It’s so cool to see an episode one scene done by a different studio and aside from a few seconds it’s mostly shot for shot the same which is a lot of dedication from the studio if you ask me. While Zeke looks shocked to learn a lot about his brother Eren just looks quietly surprised maybe thinking deeply about how his motives have changed if not by much because of everything he has learned and seen at this point. It’s so disturbing to know Grisha is seeing himself through his son’s eyes and is able to tell its his adult son from the future and interesting/cool that in the manga he was actually looking in adult Eren’s direction. At this point Grisha must’ve thought he was going mad. The music picking up and taking on a darker tone is so good and I think the image of the birds flying away with Grisha’s eyes not visible is iconic I love it. I’m so glad we finally got to see the full conversation/argument between Grisha and Frieda. It’s horrifying to see the control/will of the king in action although I do love the eye color purple is a great color. The ideology of the king is so messed up because while peace is great the idea of peace at the cost of so many lives is just wrong even if unfortunately/sadly that is what tends to bring about peace IRL. Also Grisha seems to gesture towards Eren when making his argument and the desperation is most likely because he knows what will happen if they don’t listen. It makes sense that Zeke would understand that ideology considering his plan and they are actually distantly related. I love how you can see the rage building up within Eren the longer the King talks it just goes against his ideals so much. Also there is a subtle rumbling noise accompanying this anger and Grisha can sense this scary anger. There are 2 possibilities for what’s going on either Grisha is completely right and this is the special trait of the attack Titan and of course he would think this considering the crazy stuff he’s been seeing or this is only because of Eren being in the paths and he came to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. The thing is it doesn’t really matter it is happening and the means aren’t important. Having knowledge of the future is trippy feeling like the future has already been decided. I love Grisha’s hesitance because of how it solidifies how much of a changed man he is. It’s a good way to show character that Frieda also hesitates even with her family breathing down her neck. Also I want to point out that Rod Reiss being here is was already running before Frieda said anything it’s both funny and sad. The entire speech from Eren inciting and manipulating Grisha with his own memories probably is the most disturbing thing in the entire show and that’s saying something. Eren was disgusted alright Zeke with his father’s lack of resolve/the king in general. The rest of this episode is truly chilling and depressing. Grisha’s entire breakdown was so disturbing and upsetting but the voice acting might be some of the best in the entire show and considering how much great acting there is and Grisha having relatively little screen time and the animation especially the quick cuts doing great at representing the frantic nature and enormity of his horrific actions. Just hearing how tired he is hurts. Eren being selective with memories is definitely to make sure Grisha had reason to keep going making sure the future happens as it always did since this seems to be a time loop of some sort. His apology to Zeke here is a great moment but it’s definitely not happy and the tone of the scene as well as music is lamenting the fact that this happened too late and is depressing I am glad they got this closure at least. This was simultaneously something Zeke always wanted and not at all in the way he wanted it. It’s probably the 1st Zeke has thought of Grisha as a father since he was a child. On the whole was this necessary thing it actually most likely is necessary to save Armin and Mikasa the scary part is the really terrible things he’s willing to do to accomplish that goal. I love how not knowing what Eren is going to do increases the dread so much which was the intention. Just realizing everything was turned on its head once again so quickly is crazy. No wonder Grisha was freaking out so much when giving Eren the Titan serum after all this. Hearing the words stop Eren is so crazy it’s surprising he still set these events into motion after saying this but I would not be surprised if he received more future memories after this. It does look like Eren is really making himself the villain protagonist but I’m still putting my money on my theory about Eran making himself the ultimate evil and then dying in a way to ensure peace which would actually make him an antihero doing bad things for good reasons. I love how even though Eren is still in chains at the end of the episode you can barely see them representing the presence and control he is displaying. Grisha is an incredible character and I love how we have seen him in so many different lights making him very intriguing being able to view him in different ways. This episode was definitely hammering in again that there is no black or white in this show. The whole idea of these things being meant to happen brings up the idea of determinism which is everything in the world is predetermined by fate and there isn’t free will which would be so sad that a story with characters fighting so desperately for freedom and none more so than Eren is in a deterministic universe where there is none but as someone pointed out to me that would probably be the kind of tragedy the author of AOT would love from what I have heard he has a very dark and messed up sense of humor as well. Also as 2 brothers I watch react to the show wrote in the description of their reaction this show added "driving your own dad into a mental breakdown until they (in the past) start screaming to your brother (who's watching from the future) to stop you” to Eren’s list of power plays. And a lot of people have pointed out that Zeke in this entire episode was the surprised Pikachu meme. Finally the best way to summarize this episode simply is that it’s a mind fuck. Great reaction and while it may not be enjoyable per se this show is certainly entertaining being so interesting and thought-provoking. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


That's such a good point about Eren lingering a bit on the memories of his mom! And yeah, Zeke definitely feels bitter about the whole situation with his dad, it's hard to blame him. And there's so many great little Easter eggs in the scenes of Grisha and little Eren too! It puts things in a whole different light to know how fast he found the Founder but didn't act because of his family. Oh yeah good call that this is likely when he realized he could influence events, and also I never noticed that about his eyes resembling the paths!!! I just love the complexity of Zeke being able to actually have a moment of reconciliation with his father, it does make total sense that he wouldn't even be able to fathom his father's regret based on his own upbringing. Also I never thought about that with Uri but it's true! Yes the will of the king is cool to see! Yes, Grisha's reluctance speaks volumes! Oh I know, it's genuinely frightening to be in the dark here about Eren's plans!! This whole thing puts Eren in a completely different light and I agree about how crazy it is that he's chained and it doesn't even matter! I could definitely see the idea of determinism playing a big role here, and that fitting in with the author's goals. Hahahahah yes we can add that one to the list for Eren now :P Yup, you summed it up perfectly! Oh yes, it's a fascinating show even if not "enjoyable" in the traditional sense haha, I can't wait to see more! I'm so happy you liked my reaction and thank you for all your kind words and support, it means a lot!!!!!!!!!!