Nomad of Nowhere 1x08 "End of the Line" - reaction & review (Patreon)
2022-02-01 12:01:42
2022-02-22 12:13:25
Hey everyone! I am back today with the start of Nomad of Nowhere! YES, we finally get a sort-of teamup between Skout and the Nomad! Granted, Skout's plan doesn't really benefit the Nomad in any way lol, so you can't exactly call it a win win...but seeing them fight back to back was pretty sweet! We also have a champion up in the mix now, and I'm definitely feeling the heavier/scarier vibes. Also, Nearsighted Bandits?! Whatever did we do to deserve little comedy bits like this?! SO good! Can't wait to see where this is all going!!! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH