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Hey everyone!  Here I am with episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  This episode OVERWHELMED me with happiness, cuteness, bittersweet-ness, love, and also just PURE SHOCK at the sight of certain familiar faces....!!!!  I'm just not even sure what to say.  I don't think I can accurately sum up the emotional rollercoaster that was this episode.  Just know that I'm still in awe and humbly bow to this show as being the greatest ever.  Also I really, really hope the marshal/sheriff guy isn't dead!!!  But man....what a whirlwind!  Can't wait for more!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Book of Boba Fett 1x06 full reaction.mp4



My ugly crying face was seen by many today. That moment was too cute and yea bittersweet. Such a small moment but too big to even try and hold back tears. 👏 😭 I love Mando he's just such a chill bada$$ w/ a beskar exterior & a wholesome heart of gold. Even if he doesn't want to admit it.


AWWWWW same haha! It really was bittersweet!!! Just let the tears flow, I say - that's what this show is for :'D Right?!?!!? He's soooo awesome in all the right ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


Unfortunately I got spoiled about Bane showing up just hours before I planned to watch it. It was still really effing cool, but would’ve been better had I not seen him. I’m so torn, on one hand I really want a duel between Boba and Cad Bane cause it’d be awesome, but I also don’t cause then I worry they’d kill Bane and he’s one of my favorite characters.


Noooooooooo that sucks, I'm so sorry!!!!!!! Ah yeah, as cool as a duel would be, I don't wanna see anything happen to either one, you know?? Seeing Cad Bane die would definitely be a bummer!!!!!!!!!