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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction and review of Clone Wars 6x01!  DANG GUYS!!!!  Hot off the heels of Ahsoka's exit, now we have an ORDER 66 EP?!?!!  Jeez!!!  They're not sparing my feels at all, are they?!  So apparently, Order 66 accidentally manifested early in one of the clones.  And I know history isn't gonna chance here or anything, but wow....can you imagine if they had just followed this trail and found out EVERYTHING?!  How different things may have been...!!!!  I think I'd better buckle up cause this is proving to be a bumpy ride!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Clone Wars 6x01 full reaction.mp4



For your consideration of what might happen if the Jedi would uncover the plot I think if they did, Mace Windu would take a bunch of Jedi and try to arrest the Chancellor for treason ;) And I think, I dimly remember, they made a movie about how that would play out ;)


Ohhhhh haha yes I do seem to recall something happening like that in a movie once :P But maybe if Anakin hadn't been driven to the brink yet by the whole "Padme will die" thing?! Maybe there would be a teeny tiny chance???? >.<


Oh boy, what better way to start off the heels of a depressing finale than with another depressing arc? That is the same spider from the season two premiere, nice job remembering him. And I don’t know if you remember this cause there’s so many but we met Tup in the Umbara arc, with General Krell. He hasn’t shown up as much as Clones like Fives but he’s been around a bit.


Hahaha we can't catch a break, can we?! Thanks about remembering the spider! Ohhh Tup does sound familiar, good call! Thanks for pointing it out!