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Hey everyone!  I'm here with some Kamen Rider Revice today - here is my reaction to episode 21!  WHOA, so much going on in this one!  First, I REFUSE to believe that Hiromi is really gone!  I didn't see a body!  Also, the cat's really out of the bag about Fenix now....feels like there's no going back!  And we finally get some revelations about the creepy basement from several eps ago....our crew aren't the only ones who are having an issue with Fenix's shady practices!!!  Enter Weekend, an organization that honestly, I have no clue if we can trust!  Dang guys, the drama level just got dialed up even more!  Can't wait to see what happens next!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Kamen Rider Revice 1x21 full reaction.mp4



Wow you were right, this is around the time things get REAL! IF "Only wanting to bring justice" Hiromi is no longer w/ us *tear tear* it's going to make Olteca in his old suit that much more bittersweet. And I'm only saying that cause the moves for that suit were awesome. 🕷 😥 Everything and everyone are shady. And with the director in cahoots with Olteca this whole time - mhm I should have seen that coming. 🤝 Idk who to trust. So I'll just keep my visastamps to myself 🤫 👀


Right?!?! Ahhhh Hiromi, I really hope he's not gone for good! Yeah the suit moves were pretty sweet though!!! I couldn't agree more, I don't trust anyone right now lol. Keep your enemies close and your vistamps closer lol!!!! :P


Hiromi not punching George is a way of him to say thank you. And George not resisting the punch is a way for him to say sorry to Hiromi. This was confirmed by the 2 actors and the producer.