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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 3, eps 53 - 57!!!  Oh dang guys, the fun just doesn't stop on this show!  Looks like we're back to red vs. blues for the most part, which you know is gonna lead to the silliest comedy of errors.  Speaking of silly, have you met Caboose's new friend Andy???  Omg, I gotta say, Andy is one of the most entertaining characters already and I absolutely love the group dynamic while trying to "calm" him down!!  Also, pretty sure Caboose is like my fave character now!  Last but not least, the great destroyer has arrived....and he's standing right behind you......!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ahhhhhh I feel like even at this early stage, RT had mastered the cliffhanger!!! Such great eps and another really fun season you guys!  Can't wait for more!  Great eps!!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


RvB s3 eps 53-57 full reaction.mp4


Tyler Stobbe

Melissa: “Caboose is either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid. Which is it?” Me (in Tucker’s voice): Exactly. Caboose goes rather over-meta sometimes, like when he introduces everyone: “The black one is Tex, and the other black one is Tucker.” By the way I think we need to officially call it whenever you’re playing through an ad now “Monkeying About.” I get some serious Gollum vibes from Doc and O’Malley when they have a conversation with each other. Also, Lopez did make his robot army and has no qualms about embarrassing his superior. Donut is supposed to wait and shoot the robot following him in the back, but it’s moving so slow he’s got time to read a novel before doing his job. I don’t think this registered because Grif’s scream was blowing out your eardrum at the time, but the reason he’s upset is they followed the distress signal on the radio and ended up… back at Blood Gulch. Apparently Tex knocks Tucker out for fun on Tuesdays: and Church says he can get killed by Caboose the next time instead. Then they both agree to stick with what they know. Tex earlier said when they were trying to pacify Andy that she might get so mad she’d kill people on their own team. Honestly, Tex, leave the team killing to Caboose, he’s much better at it. I mean he’s killed Church at least twice if not three times at this point. 👀 “The Great Destroyer Has Arrived. The End is Near.” Hey, at least you get the next part next week, most of us had to wait a whole year. 😉 And always remember: Time is not made out of lines, it is made out of circles: that is why clocks are round!” 😂 Now let’s all breathe out and have the bomb count backwards from 10… wait, bad idea. See you next week! 😁


Ooh that thing spooked me at the end. I was not expecting that look. Church better run at full velocity like Lopez's robot army. 😆 Chaaaarge!🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


Right?!?! We haven't seen anything like that on the show to date! HAHAHAHAHAHA Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge :P I'm dying lol!


Hahahaha yup, you summed it up! Oof, Caboose definitely overdoes it sometimes lol. Hahaha YES let's make monkeying about the official term please!!! Oh yeah I can see the Gollum vibes for sure! And the robot army was amazing haha. Hahahaha I love the pacing! OHHHHHHHHH that's why he was screaming, thanks for clarifying!!! Hahahah yeah I mean, you can't argue with the fact that everyone has their strengths, even if their strengths happen to be killing others by accident :P Oh man, waiting a year must have been the worst!!! Hahahaha the clock line was EPIC!!! And omg, please no one count backwards around any explosive objects!!!! See you next week, yay!