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***Still processing but can be downloaded - thanks!!  ~ MH***

Hey everyone!  I am back today with more of Nomad of Nowhere!  Oh dang, our silent hero makes a big choice in this one - to stand and fight!!!!  So proud!!!  Also, we caught up with Skout and I'm sad to say that the scene with Toth did NOT go how I had hoped it would!
Like after the Don crossing you without a second thought, and El Rey making people live in these conditions, how can anyone think that anything good will come of El Rey???  I know not many people think beyond what the status quo is like Skout, but jeez!!!!  Next time is the finale.....squeeeee!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Nomad of Nowhere 1x11 full reaction.mp4


John J Ronald

The only thing I don't like about how these episodes are arranged is they cut off the full Nomad of Nowhere theme for the end credits which is a really stirring Spaghetti Western-reminiscent theme that I particularly love....I think Ennio Morricone (composer for many of the most famous Spaghetti Western scores) would've approved of it. I wish there was an MP3 of it out there or at least a YouTube music video of it. I love listening to it, I wish there was a full version. I would be happy for either a Season Two someday or a Feature Film. The scene with Toph and Skout is beautiful but heartbreaking. Even though Toph has decided to cut ties with the Don, she's still fixated on the Nomad and delivering him to El Rey herself as a means to save her people. I think if I recall correctly from discussion of the Nomad lore at the time, Toph belongs to the same native tribe that the old mystic woman in the castle belongs to and also the long haired guy among her trio of henchmen...they have an ancient connection to the magic of old, somehow. Even though the full story is far from over, I think you are going to enjoy the Season Finale regardless.


Lol the few times my parents put me in charge I felt a false shift in power. My siblings didn't care nor listen, so I ran to mom and told her to tell them to start listening to me. So I felt for Red Manuel I this one. 😄 But a lesson to learn: respect is not given but earned.


Oh the theme is amazing for sure! Season 2 or a movie would be epic!! Let's hope! Hmm, good call about Toth being connected to the woman we saw before, and her tribe having to do with ancient magic. It's so sad to think she's still so focused on El Rey and the Nomad! I can't wait to see what happens!


Hahahha awww well I'm sure you handled your position with a lot more grace than Red Manuel did lol, but I totally see the moral of the story in that respect is earned!!!!!