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Hey everyone!  I am back today with more of Nomad of Nowhere!  WHOA!!!  This was quite the fiesta indeed!!!  Loved the epic showdown and how amazing Skout and the Nomad were during it.  And dang, Don Paragon did NOT fair well....oof!  El Rey finally shows up (without really showing anything, but trust me, the presence is enough) and I honestly have no clue what happened to Toth!!!  But I gotta say, we got more resolution than I thought we would!!
Watching Skout and the Nomad ride off into the sunset was pretty special!!!  Really, really hoping for a season 2 one day!!!  Great ep and great series - thanks for joining me!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Nomad of Nowhere 1x12 full reaction.mp4


Christopher Pope

Those of us who watch the English dub of My Hero Academia take delight in the fact that El Rey has the same actor and vocal inflections as All For One. Just drives home how much Don Paragon is out of his element.

Tyler Stobbe

I’m guessing you didn’t expect this episode to start off with charades. Though I do admit I AM slightly concerned about the guy who thought the Nomad was saying something about drinking blood… last I checked this wasn’t Castlevania… It’s kinda funny how self aware the Don is when he’s treating everyone horribly. One guy talks back and he’s like “not now, I’m doing my contractual evil monologue!” I also kinda found it ironic when he used the line “Now that I’m about to become the next governor of NOWHERE, people will start respecting me!” Ladies, a lesson for you: don’t laugh at your husbands or they might turn into Red Manuel. And nobody wants that, right? Guys have feelings too! Toth’s single mindedness seems to be her undoing. In a way, I can draw a very similar comparison with her in this show and what happened to Adam in RWBY - though she’s not quite that far gone. But she’s so focused on one thing she’s losing sight of everything else that’s being affected because of it. Good thing the Don stored up all that water because at this point I guess you could say his dreams are… all washed up? His ideals certainly were for the birds. Especially after El Rey showed up. Good job on the scarecrow catch though, I never did put that together. And finally, Skout and the Nomad finally got what they wanted. Someone who liked them for them. Toth’s loss is the Nomad’s gain. All this time she might’ve been working with Toth, but she really just wanted a friend. (Stops: does a double take at Skout… realizes there’s another red headed character who wears green in the Rooster Verse who fits that description…) Dammit they got me again. This series was replaced by gen: LOCK for multiple budget reasons, and that series has a lot of questions surrounding it as well. As for this though, we didn’t tie up every thread neat and tidy, but I think there could’ve been far worse outcomes. Maybe one day they’ll return to it. But I can sit on where we left it and not feel too bad about it. :)

John J Ronald

Nomad of Nowhere ends like a good Western should, with our Heroes riding off into the sunset.

John J Ronald

Speaking of El Rey and the MURDER of crows (haha), there was a scattering of crows off in the distance, in the flashback episode when Melinda's father first brought the Nomad to life. I think El Rey was aware of the Nomad's existence even that far back.

John J Ronald

Indeed, voiced by the great veteran anime voice actor John Swasey, who along with Brittney Karbowski (grown up Melinda) are the two major anime people attached to Nomad of Nowhere.


This is such a great finale. I love seeing Nomad stand up for all of the people Paragon is exploiting for money. I think it's great that the Nomad inspires the townsfolk to start fighting back against Paragon’s soldiers. Also the poor piñata D:. I love that the 3 main Dandy Lions start acting as the Mariachi band and its a trope often used to liven up action or more serious scenes I know of it from westerns. I like how they emphasize how cold and cruel Paragon is with his actions. It’s always great to see Skout use her intellect to help but it is sad that she’s using Toth’s plan since it is strategic it shows even more that they could have worked together if she listened to reason. Manuel’s backstory is no excuse for how he acts but it does suck and makes you pity him. Although his reaction to being directly told he’s a jerk might be the funniest thing in this show I think it’s the voice acting. It does feel appropriate that Toth finishes knocking him out. I love Paragon’s voice actor the most when he’s angry so his speech here was great and really shows how far he’s willing to go with violence to get power. Thankfully there’s enough of a distraction for Nomad to gain the upper hand and I love the living armor he creates since you have seen it it reminds me of Toph from ATLA. I think it’s great how once he’s facing a stronger opponent he stands no chance it really encapsulates that he is just a weak man who is power hungry. It is sad to have to fight against Toth but it’s impressive to see how strong she is. I definitely think Nomad being able to bring the giant statue to life is meant to represent his growth. I love Skout coming to Nomad’s rescue and the hug is cute. The way it ends with Toth is really sad. Also my little theory is that the more good Nomad does the stronger he becomes another reason he has less trouble with big objects. And now on to the very 1st appearance of El Rey which is chilling and truly terrifying. Also possessing animals is probably only 1 of his abilities and yeah crows, scarecrow very good depicting 2 characters as opposites. As soon as Paragon opened his mouth I knew he wasn’t surviving this. And this was the 1st time I felt any real pity for him. The absolute savagery and brutality of the king is really disturbing especially how he ends Paragon with the shadows closing in and that it was a slow death. I think that with the character he has been built up to be this personality is very fitting. I do think we should be worried about Toth but not because the king was threatening her but because he was offering her the job because he sees everything Paragon saw in her with one difference she’s willing to do the work herself. Also the look on her face is probably realization that Skout was right but she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place now and she isn’t going to refuse after what she just witnessed. The voice acting for the king was incredible and it was so exciting to see a big voice actor from the English MHA especially since All for One is my favorite performance from the dub and it works perfectly and the characters are similar in some ways. Everything about the way they tie things up and conclude this season leaving it open for more was great and I have hope a 2nd season will happen in the future such a quality show it definitely deserves it. I love the final interactions and solidifying of the friendship between Nomad & Skout that are so heartwarming and cute. Also the talking for both of us thing is both sweet and hilarious. Also I love how they set up what another season might look like. The music for the show is fantastic and I missed it. Finally of course the season ends with them riding off into the sunset like any great Western should. Great reaction and I’m looking forward to when you have more time after RvB and maybe some bonus stuff like the Ozcars. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


Ah TBC I hope it comes back soon. There was unresolved stuff but for the most part I'm glad the Nomad and Skout official became friends. I want to see more of El Rey (and like actually see him). His arrival was so dark. I knew I heard the voice before. One for all. He does a marvelous job!


Me too!! And yeah, at least we got some great resolution for Skout and the Nomad! Yeah he was scary even in the short time he was present, would love to *see* see more!!!!!! So cool that he's also All for One!!!!!!!!! Talk about a resume!


Hahaha I see what you did there! And ohhhhh wow did not notice that in the flashback, but that makes total sense!!!! Dang!!!


OMG right?! Like the blood drinking thing says more about that guy than it does about the Nomad :P HAHAHA I know, I love the meta statements about Don Paragon's villain-ness!! Ohhhh true, good nudge-nudge use of the word nowhere there! Hahaha yeah just in general, no one cruelly laugh at your spouse!!! We DEFINITELY do not need more folks with Red Manuel-esque issues in the world! Yeah good comparison with Toth being a less extreme version of Adam. It's too bad! HAHAHAHA Yang joke!!! Oooh thanks for the scarecrow catch!!! :D AHHHHHHHH green outfit, red hair, wanting a friend....WHY ROOSTER TEETH, WHYYYYY!!!!! :P Yeah I agree, it could have been left way less resolved!!! Didn't realize it was replaced by gen:LOCK! Thanks for the info :D


Ahhh yes, so nice to have payback for all the water hoarding!!! Oh that's so true about Skout using Toth's plan, so sad to think what could have been! Red Manuel's reaction was amazing haha. Yes I loved that he's grown enough to make the big metal statue come to life! And totally appropriate that Toth gets to knock Manuel out haha. Yessss loved the hug! Great theory that the more good he does, the stronger he gets, that makes total sense. Yes I was so happy I picked up on the scarecrow thing lol. OHHHHH so that's what was happening with Toth!!! I misunderstood. Makes sense though! That's an even crazier thought, her working for El Rey. Don's demise was truly frightening and chilling. Yeah good call, she knows she's in too deep now, but there's no going back. That's SO awesome that it was All for One btw! Yes, loved that we got some resolution and got to watch them go off into the sunset as friends! Yes, there will be more RWBY bonuses coming soon, can't wait!!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for all your kindness and support!!! :D