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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction and review of Clone Wars 7x05!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!  You guys, I knew this season would be big, but I really honestly didn't know if I would ever see my best girl on this show ever again...!!!!  We get to catch up with Ahsoka and meet her newest friend, Trace.  And by the looks of it, I think we're gonna learn a lesson on how things have gotten in the rest of the galaxy while the Jedi have been so wrapped up in the war, sadly.
I cannot wait to have an Ahsoka adventure, squeee!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Clone Wars 7x05 full reaction.mp4


Brandon Dodge

It was so nice to see Ahsoka again! Fun fact: In the original draft of this Arc the Martez Sisters were originally one character. A smuggler named Nyx Okami who was kinda a love interest for Ahsoka. Nyx was in the Unfinished Storyreel version of this Arc and also made an appearance in the Ahsoka Novel. The Level that they're on, 1313, is a reference to a cancelled Star Wars game called 1313, it would've focused on a young Boba Fett after he got his armor. The Binary Power Lifter Droids that were turned into Demolition Droids is calling back to the Mina Bonteri Political Arc in Season 3 where those Demolition Droids killed some people on Coruscant during a Vote for a Treaty that would end the War. And yes, Ahsoka was literally referring to Anakin as her "older Brother". 🥲


Right?! Couldn't agree more! That's interesting about the Martez sisters. Ohhh I didn't even know there was an Ahsoka novel, interesting about the love interest! Wow, love the Easter egg about the game! Oh yes, good call on the droids. OMG I thought she might be referencing Anakin and I both love it and am shattered by it at the same time hahaha!!


I’m just going to say it now, this is probably my least favorite arc of the whole show. I get what they were trying to do, but I really dislike the sisters, they’re unbearably annoying to me.Trace is okay enough, but her continuing to take Rafa’s side, when Rafa does nothing but get them in trouble, is infuriating. And Rafa, I can’t stand her at all for the reason I just said. I could go on but I’ll save some of it for later.


Oh I can definitely see where you're coming from! Sorry this one doesn't rank as high for you! At least there are lots of other things to look forward to in season 7!


Yeah. Having seen the trailer and having a small idea of what was to come, at least I had that to look forward to. And Ahsoka coming back this arc makes it bearable.


There you go!! Yes Ahsoka always adds something special!!! It's interesting to follow where she is after everything that happened at least!


I think I’m fortunate that I wasn’t really on the internet around when the show was originally canceled, cause while a lot of people probably knew what was coming because of Dave Filoni mentioning arcs they didn’t get to, I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen for the last arc. So while I did unfortunately know that Ahsoka shows up in later stuff cause of YouTube, I didn’t know how it happened.


Yeah, I knew some of what happens later, but that didn’t make it any less impactful. But we’ll get there when we get there.