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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction to episode 96!   OMG!!!!!  WHOA!!!  Was not expecting to see The Phantom Troupe again, dang!!!  I mean, I know they're not GOOD good, but how can you help but root for the Troupe here???  They're at the very least "the devil we know"...!!
It's interesting to see them each face off against a different ant, and I gotta say, at least in these lower ranks, my money is totally on the Troupe!  Oh yeah, and Killua's lil bro is eagerly assessing this whole match-up!!!  Dang, what a surprise to get a story like this, I like it!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


Hunter x Hunter 1x96 full reaction.mp4



I'm pretty sure the Lion Chimera Ant would've eaten that reporter regardless, but I like to think if she hadn't tempted fate by asking that question he would've just left like a normal person. 🤣


True....but yeah, wouldn't it be awful if that just happened to be the trigger and he was planning on just leaving afterwards :/ Lol!


Ok.. i know they are Phantom Troupe.. and they are strong.. but Phinks.. has almost the same power as Gon.. and exactly the same weaknness.. :D (it takes so long to activate..) so.. what the heck.. ? :D also justice for Ponzu.. the ant got smashed.. :)


Oh I'd never thought of it that way, that Phinks has a really similar power to Gon!! YES justice for Ponzu!!! Hopefully her soul can rest a bit easier now :(