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Hey everyone!  Welcome back, I am back today, with episode 4 of Legend of Vox Machina!!!  Getting to see everyone paired off while arrested was pretty interesting, and I liked the interactions between characters with super strong friendship like Grog and Pike, and also those we don't see together as often, like Percy and K'eyleth!  The undead army monster things were super terrifying but I was really proud of K'eyleth for finding the strength to make some sunlight!!!  Lastly, we're off on a new journey, together!!  Well, mostly...Pike is off on a journey of her own.  I hope she finds what she's looking for!  Can't wait for what's next!
Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Legend of Vox Machina 1x04 full reaction.mp4


Tyler Stobbe

So I have a few thoughts but first… “where’s Scanlan gonna spread the mayonnaise?” That’s not coming in my house. YUCK! And I just realized that using that line for that character could go very badly very quickly… MOVING ON!!! 👀 Vax did see his reflection when he looked in the mirror THIS time but what if that conversion is a slow burn and the next time he looks for his reflection it isn’t there? I dunno if we’re out of the woods with that yet. Speaking of out of the woods, everyone gets basically impaled by zombies and then they’re fine in an hour? Either the main group is super OP or there are repercussions that haven’t presented themselves yet. Grog is kinda reminding me of Caboose. He’s saying a lot of stuff that sounds dumb at first glance, but then you’re like “wait a minute… is he actually right?” How DO you arrest a house anyway? As for house arrest, see the last two years, we’re all plenty familiar with that concept. I thought about this after you mentioned it but Scanlan spilling mustard on the book page is going to either a) completely obliterate key evidence or a clue they need to stop the Briarwoods or b) the Briarwoods are going to get the book back but this page is important and it’s ruined, or finally, c) it eliminated evidence that would discredit the Briarwoods and/or exonerate Machina. Cause you know, this is just that kind of show. Calling it now. I think the issue with Pike is a common thing that happens in RPGs and she’s been “silenced,” so she’s unable to cast light or magic until she is able to remedy the affliction. She hasn’t lost her power I think, but she’s what we like to call, muted at the moment. There’s one golden rule in gaming, anime, and everything else: never split the party. Weeellll…. “Trinket’s not coming?” After careful consideration and much deliberation, it was determined that you were squealing so loudly every time the bear came on screen it was starting to raise the dead so the production staff thought it was best to remove him before you caused more zombies to rise. /ducks 😉 Finally, Pike is going off by herself so my guess here is while everyone else is off on the main quest she’s going to probably accidentally discover a critical piece to the puzzle and plop it into place just when the others need it. As on, deus ex MACHINA incoming. 😉 PS: It’s a good idea to not judge your volume based on a starting logo or an opening because they run like movie trailers - they are usually much louder than the actual show itself. So if it sounds loud it’s probably a good sign you’re at the correct volume, for future reference. 😎


I love the humor in this post. I mentioned in the comments of the first episode that my only regret of this series was how little of Trinket we see but using your sound logic this was just a blessing in disguise. 😋


The gore and haunting monsters creeped me out. This one was very horror movie like. I'm glad they made it thru. So proud of Keyleth, and I'm glad Pike was so trusting in her to be their light. I like that Percy is feeling the team, as a team and not only ppl he assciotes with for work. And Vax and Vex were great for not leaving without the rest. Grog and Pike splitting up hurt my heart. ☹💔


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's just the kind of thing Scanlan would take and run with...!!! Ooh good point about Vax....also, good point about the damage they took here! Wonder if it will come back later? LOL yes I can totally see the similarities between Grog and Caboose!!! That simple, innocent logic. Ooof, I think you're onto something, calling it with the mustard!!! Hmm, interesting thought about the muted power. YES, never split up lol. HAHAHAHAHAHA so THAT'S why there zombies?!?!?! I guess my squeals reached maximum levels...!!!! LOLOLOL I agree with dainbramage that this is just so comedically perfect and on point hahaha!!! Good point too, maybe Pike will discover something that we need! Also, yes, I always end up misjudging my volume hahaha. >.<


Right?! Shudders!!! K'eyleth really came through for sure! I know we can count on her! Yes, Percy's really starting to feel the family dynamic, I think! Loved Vax and Vex not bailing too! But yes, Grog and Pike being split up is soooo sad!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's hoping she finds what she's looking for and makes it back to the rest of the gang soon!!!