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Hey everyone!  Here it is - this week's schedule!  Wow, so much going on - really making our way through series like Slime, HxH, Vox Machina, etc.....and yes, on the Showtime tier, we are finishing off CLONE WARS this week!!!  Sniff!!!!!  I can't wait for you guys to see my reaction!  I had tons of fun with everything this week and I hope you do too!!!  Have a great week and if you're celebrating today, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters, surrogate moms, dog moms, cat moms, pet moms, plant moms, etc. etc.!!!!!  Hope you enjoy celebrating the parental figure in your life today, whatever that may look like.   Enjoy!!!  ~ MH




Hi, I'm just checking, but because you keep saying something about joining you early on the Slime reactions, you aren't doing live streams, right? Because I would want to see them if you did them. I am really enjoying your reactions, btw!


Thanks for checking!!! That's actually something I say just for Patreon actually! Patreon gets all the reactions earlier than YouTube as a perk :) I'm so happy you're enjoying my reactions!!!! It's great to have you aboard!! I've been learning a lot from your comments :D


Thanks for reading them! I'm trying not to give too much away, I hope I'm succeeding. Slime in particular is actually pretty subtle and for some reason the anime skimps on the major themes sometimes. But it is a massive story. You can tell I love it! I'm ready for tomorrow's reactions.


Of course!!! No, I don't feel that you are, but I'm glad you're so considerate about potential spoilers!!! I think that subtlety is probably part of its charm....you have to really think about it to get all the things they're trying to convey! I can't wait to see more :D The new reactions are up, yay!!!!!!! Thanks again!