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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 1 of REBELS!!!!  I'm so excited to be watching this show!  And to start me off with a close-up of Vader like that.....DANG!!!  You know this show means business!!!  I'm having fun meeting all our new crew and trying to figure out what they're all about.  Oh yeah, and way to throw some Jedi stuff into the mix, you've got my attention....!!!!  All in all, a really fun first ep and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this series!!!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 1x01 full reaction.mp4



This show does such a good job of immediately getting you invested and interested in the characters. Kanan and Hera are a perfect example, you immediately see that they have a history and relationship just from the way they talk to each other. Same with the others, right away it’s clear that they’ve all been together for a little while, and then here comes Ezra unintentionally forcing himself into their dynamic. And right from the beginning you can tell they meant business with this show, cause that’s actually James Earl Jones as Vader. One of the coolest things Rebels does is that, to the best of their ability, they get the original actors back! Makes some moments down the line even cooler just knowing that.


I know right!!!! They hooked me right away! The feelings are very clear early on, and we the audience get to use Ezra as sort of our avatar for getting to know everyone better. Oh dang, they weren't holding back, getting the man himself to voice Vader!!! I love, love love that they work so tirelessly to get the original VAs back on this show!!!!!!!! So awesome! I'm excited for you to see my journey with this show!


Ah, onto my favourite Star Wars show! Jumping to Rebels immediately after the emotion and tone of the later seasons of Clone Wars, is a bit jarring, especially since its lighter in tone, a lot of fun and much more for the younger age group to enjoy too - to start with! However it is a tonne of fun, and at times is truly top tier Star Wars. The reasons I love it are primarily because it feels like old school original trilogy Star Wars, like the capers Luke, Leia, Chewie, Han and the droids, get up to on the Death Star in A New Hope, and on Jabba's sail barge in Return Of The Jedi. The Ghost crew here get up to all sorts of mischief, getting under the Empire's skin, and the execution of it is done in a fun way, that at times will also be emotional. Another reason I love it, is because its a lot more cohesive throughout the series. Sure there are some slight 'filler' episodes, but everything is done for a reason, there is no fat at all in Rebels. It doesn't have quite the highest highs Clone Wars gets to, but it has some truly memorable moments of its own to stand out with. This was the first Star Wars IP done under Disney when they took over the franchise, and they cancelled Clone Wars after season 5, and some fans didn't give this show much of a chance at the time it was first aired, because Disney replaced Clone Wars with this, cut costs, and shifted the tone to a lighter feel. Each episode cost less than half of what went into a Clone Wars episode, so they had to redesign the way they animated things. And they went with a different art style, relying heavily on Star Wars original concept artist Ralph McQuarrie's original designs. Chopper and Zeb for instance are based off the original designs for R2-D2 and Chewbacca accordingly, for example; the cockpit of The Ghost is what the original ship cockpit that then got remade into the Millenium Falcon was going to be; so keep that in mind throughout the show. Most things work, some don't, but I applaud their bravery in going with this artstyle. Lightsabres too far more reflect McQuarrie's rapier-like design, than the beefier ones we ended up with. Anyway I'm blabbering on, the first season is set 5 years before A New Hope, and each season gets closer and closer to that timeline. Have fun with it Mel, I'm sure once you get into it, you'll begin to love it.


Yay! Yes it's lighter toned in some ways but still has that classic Star Wars feel like you said. Wow, so cool that everything presented here is done so with very little filler. So interesting about the production details and the designs! No kidding about Chopper and Zeb, that makes the Wookiee joke in the early eps even funnier! No worries, I'm happy to read these details, thanks for sharing all this good info!!! I'm already loving it and can't wait for more!!


Hi Mel, one thing that makes Rebels a little different in a really good way, imo (not sure if Saltire or others would agree, but they will probably know what I am referring to), is the inclusion of mystical, fantasy type elements. We have just exchanged comments on this with the purgil episode, but there are some more really important ones to come later. In a way, Bendu is an example [with Bendu the force seems more of a mystical thing, instead of being ‘explained’ in a ‘scientific’ way, via midichlorians], and we have had the Jedi temple episodes on Lothal, where Ezra talks to you know who, especially the first time. Then there is the episode with Zeb when he takes control of the Ghost to navigate through that big nebula to take those other Lasat to safety. But I am also referring to important aspects of future episodes you haven’t yet seen, that were apparently influenced by fantasy books that Filoni knew about, and I guess loved. For me all this changes the atmosphere and feel in some places in the series in a really positive way, and adds to the emotional depth in a mystical way. As you might guess, I prefer fantasy to science fiction, although I do like sone of both. It’s the same with some music I like as well.


Oh I can definitely see that! There's lots of examples of that so far. No kidding that much of it was inspired by fantasy books, that makes sense! I hear you you on preferring one over the other too. It's cool that they could explore a more mystical side in this series!!!