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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 3 of REBELS!!!!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE CAMEOS!!!!  I was delighted to have an adventure with R2 and 3PO in this one!  And the Bail Organa cameo at the end....!!!!!!!!  I also had a lot of fun getting to know our main crew better and watch them in action.  Not to mention, we got to know a bit more about Zeb, and see him get a small bit of justice for what the Empire did to his people!  All in all, a great ep, and I'm having a blast with the series!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 1x03 full reaction.mp4


Naquib Nazry

This might be a spoiler for the timeline but I don't think it is mentioned properly in the show but I remember it in the marketing ( feel free to ignore this if you want to figure out the timeline on your own) Rebels takes place more than a decade after revenge of the sith


Oh thank you!!!! I think that's pretty safe and also I knew that, but forgot it and for some reason thought it was just a few years :P Thanks!


Always good to see R2 fighting the good fight as always, and showing even our talented rebel crew, a few tricks. What a legend. The small subtle things are what this show does so well. And yes Kanan is hesitant to teach Ezra, but we'll get to the reasons why soon. Hera was having none of it though, being the mum of the crew she gave Kanan a flea in his ear about it. ;)


YES R2!!!! Such a legend!! Hahaha I love that Hera is the mom, so fun!! Really enjoying watching these dynamics build.