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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 6 of REBELS!!!!  WOW, this one was so much fun!  Loved getting to see more of the daily ins and outs of the Empire, including how they train their cadets.  And big surprise, it's not so pleasant!  I was glad we were able to help a few folks along the way, as well as get some Kaiber crystals out of the hands of the Empire!  Ezra was awesome in this one and so was the rest of our crew!  Love how far some of the higher ups were willing to go to excuse Ezra's actions lol!!!  So much fun!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 1x06 full reaction.mp4



Stormtroopers of course help each other out but I've never seen really cohesive team work. Maybe this contributed to that. The pitting combatants against each other to see who can not only survive it all but outdo the rest. Sad thought.


Yeah that's so true, it's so much more competitive than the more "brotherhood" focused approach we saw with the Clones!!! It is sad :/


The Empire is using the kyber crystals for other things, not for lightsabres. The Ghost crew put a spoke in the works for the moment, they really are a bunch of pests to the Imps!