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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 10 of REBELS!!!!  Oh dang, I did not expect to get a full-on Jedi journey in this one!  And not just a character developing, soul-searching journey for Ezra, but for Kanan too!!  After all, his path as a Jedi was cut short and then took lots of twists and turns before he got a Padawan dropped on him!  And you guys, it was led by none other than YODA!!!!!!!!!!!  How did I get so lucky?!  And you know it's a good ep when it ends with KAIBER CRYSTALS AND LIGHTSABER ARTS AND CRAFTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How awesome is that?!  Can't wait for more!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 1x10 full reaction.mp4



I really like Ezra’s saber here, years ago I’d seen and heard about it on Twitter or something and thought it looked dumb, but actually watching the show myself and just enjoying it it looks cool! And a bit embarrassing, I didn’t know that was Frank Oz as Yoda when I watched it, it’s been so long since I watched the OT that I kinda forgot that’s how he sounded lol


Yeah I think it is too! Lol that's okay!!! We've heard different Yoda voices over the years so that's totally understandable! I honestly can't remember if I noticed or not....probably not :O


The English dub voice actor for naofumi billy kametz passed at 35 from colon cancer on the 9th he did some pretty great rolls


The lights in the temple reminded me of the journey that Yoda took alone. Where he got to that strange place with the "women" with masks. There where also these lights.


I get chills every time I see this episode


Hehe there are 15 episodes in the first season, so a bit to go yet Mel! One of the best episodes of early Rebels, Kanan and his self-doubts about himself rearing their head this one, and Ezra trying to find out who he is, or will be going forward. It was Yoda's original voice actor, Frank Oz, from the films too. Tom Kane is great in Clone Wars as Yoda, but its always best to get the original whenever possible. Also note the yellow 'fairy-dust' which we saw in the Yoda arc of season 6 of Clone Wars when he is listening to Qui-Gon. Now what Ezra says about feeling 'alive' is what Jedi get out of their actions. People always refer to the non-attachment thing as if they are missing out; but its the feeling of being alive in their altruism and helping people, which give Jedi purposes in their lives. Oh also note at the end where everyone helped out to give Ezra parts, and Sabine mentions Chopper gave him a power cell, he didn't sound happy about it as if he didn't know he gave out one!!

Tyler Stobbe

So, I was wondering if you’d figure it out as fast as I did, when Kanan came running past Ezra, my first thought instinctively was, wait… how’d he open the door? What we have here is a situation similar to Luke in the cave in The Empire Strikes Back. Except, and, I don’t think this has been laid out as much - Ezra’s biggest personification of fear is the Inquisitor. I guess that would make sense given what we know but it wasn’t something I readily picked up on. Also, it seems like he was a lot more wounded when he heard what the illusion was making his friends say about him. The kid might have a thick skull, but he’s also sensitive. I had the most sadistic thought during this episode: I want to see a spoof skit where there’s a courtroom drama, Yoda is a witness, and they have to cross examine him. I can already feel the hijinxs. It seems that Ezra isn’t the only one worried about whether or not he is cut out for this life, Kansan’s just as concerned that he’s not a good enough teacher. But as Yoda helps him realize, acknowledging what you can’t do is the first step to overcoming those obstacles. But knowing him he’d probably just say “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Helpful like that, he is. I swear when you heard “Lynette crystals” you looked like a puppy that was about to get a treat, lol. But speaking of that, it seems like when Ezra was making his own lightsaber, he made a point to actually get something from everyone on the ship. So there’s a little bit of each of them in his weapon now. Wonder when he’ll get to use it, something tells me it won’t be too long…

Manny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:31:27 First great use of the word pontificate. ☝ Second, these two episodes really bring forth the feel of hardship. To not let anger or feelings get the better of you. Everyone experiences these bits of wanting to "get back at something". Like my little niece who took the last Yoplait when she clearly heard me call dibs earlier. 😒 As trivial as it was I had an immature thought of revenge. Obviously nothing bad but like maybe something to ruin her weekend or grab all the toilet paper out of the bathroom for next time she uses it. Hm 🤔. Lol anyways back to the point 👉 Everyone has a mean thought for time to time which we should learn to let go sometimes otherwise we can't handle to let go of even the small stuff. And Jedis have to learn to go beyond to keep this power and themselves in check. I'm glad we got to explore that and show how common and tough it truly is. I especially love that they're both learning I really love this already fond mentor student respect. One sees a good guy wanting to teach & doesn't want to let him down; and the other wanting to teach but has doubts of being able to himself. It showed the care the both have. And we got Yoda here! So happy am I! 😃
2022-06-14 11:32:01 First great use of the word pontificate. ☝ Second, these two episodes really bring forth the feel of hardship. To not let anger or feelings get the better of you. Everyone experiences these bits of wanting to "get back at something". Like my little niece who took the last Yoplait when she clearly heard me call dibs earlier. 😒 As trivial as it was I had an immature thought of revenge. Obviously nothing bad but like maybe something to ruin her weekend or grab all the toilet paper out of the bathroom for next time she uses it. Hm 🤔. Lol anyways back to the point 👉 Everyone has a mean thought for time to time which we should learn to let go sometimes otherwise we can't handle to let go of even the small stuff. And Jedis have to learn to go beyond to keep this power and themselves in check. I'm glad we got to explore that and show how common and tough it truly is. I especially love that they're both learning I really love this already fond mentor student respect. One sees a good guy wanting to teach & doesn't want to let him down; and the other wanting to teach but has doubts of being able to himself. It showed the care the both have. And we got Yoda here! So happy am I! 😃

First great use of the word pontificate. ☝ Second, these two episodes really bring forth the feel of hardship. To not let anger or feelings get the better of you. Everyone experiences these bits of wanting to "get back at something". Like my little niece who took the last Yoplait when she clearly heard me call dibs earlier. 😒 As trivial as it was I had an immature thought of revenge. Obviously nothing bad but like maybe something to ruin her weekend or grab all the toilet paper out of the bathroom for next time she uses it. Hm 🤔. Lol anyways back to the point 👉 Everyone has a mean thought for time to time which we should learn to let go sometimes otherwise we can't handle to let go of even the small stuff. And Jedis have to learn to go beyond to keep this power and themselves in check. I'm glad we got to explore that and show how common and tough it truly is. I especially love that they're both learning I really love this already fond mentor student respect. One sees a good guy wanting to teach & doesn't want to let him down; and the other wanting to teach but has doubts of being able to himself. It showed the care the both have. And we got Yoda here! So happy am I! 😃


Yes!!! Good point!! I had forgotten about the light form they took. I'm sure it must be related!


Ohhh you're right! I'm glad it's not over yet :D Yes, they both had lessons to learn here. WHOA, no kidding!!! I didn't even realize Frank Oz was still alive, that's awesome! Tom Kane was great too, but I hear you about the original. YES, you are so right about the light/dust! Totally forgot about that. Oh, that's such a good way to put it - the non-attachment can be interpreted in a very positive way. Hahahaha I love to think that Chopper may not have noticed someone snagging his power cell for the parts :P


Lol yes, I probably didn't put it together as fast as you, but I did manage to put it together at some point! Good comparison to the cave scenes with Luke. Yeah, the fear of the Inquisitor makes sense, but you're right that it hadn't been explicitly said or implied until now. Maybe Ezra himself wasn't fully aware of it? Oh yeah, I can definitely see the fear of what others think / possible betrayal from friends....he's definitely a sensitive guy at heart! HAHAHAHA the Yoda courtroom drama!!! Intense it would be :P Yes, this was as much about Kanan's self discovery too! Such a good point, awareness is half the battle! Helpful he is, indeed :P Hahahahah I don't know what it is about me and those Kaiber crystals!!! Also I must be learning that face from my dog :P That's beautiful that there's a little bit of each of his friends in his lightsaber!! So meaningful! And I have a feeling you might be right...!!!


Hahaha yay!!!! Glad you liked my word of the day! OOHHHH the Yoplait revenge is REAL but I applaud you for taking the high road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha oh no, don't you know that all Sith start out with the toilet paper trick??? It's all downhill from there....resist the dark side Manny!!!!! :P But yeah lol, everyone has something you know? The thing is Jedi have to work SO much harder to keep it in check like you said, because of all that power. Yes, it's so cool to think that even the mentor here is still a student in a way! I love following their journey too! They both care about each other and don't want to disappoint each other, which shows their caring for sure!! YAY YODA!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited I was, too :D

Dusty V

I loved this episode too. So much growth on both our Jedi and can’t go wrong with Master Yoda! Also Ezra’s lightsaber here is one of my favorite designs. It has a few more tricks to it as well that’s a bit unconventional. But my favorite part is each of his family pitched in on gathering the pieces for him. I took the moment that lightsaber igniting as the final seal in that little group becoming his family. Can’t wait for you to see the coming episodes :)


YES!!! How can you go wrong with Yoda lol. It's an awesome design! And yes, so sweet that everyone pitched in for it! Awwww that's a perfect symbol of officially being in the group for sure! Can't wait to see more!!!