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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to Obi-Wan Kenobi, episode 5!!!!!  OMG!!!!!!  Could it be...that this is the best one yet?!  The flashbacks, the backstory, the realizations, the strategy, the SNAPPING THE SABER IN TWO....I could go on!  I absolutely adore what they did here and how they did it.  Sadly, we did lose a friend though :(  Now Reva has a choice to make, assuming she lives, and I really hope she makes the right one!  GREAT EP!!!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x05 full reaction.mp4


Brandon Dodge

I feel like just as a part of Vader is always inside Anakin in the Prequels and throughout Clone Wars, there has to be a sliver of Anakin within Vader for his return in Return of The Jedi. I feel like he's always thinking of that, and like most Sith he's trying to destroy any remnants of who he once was, but he never fully destroys that side of himself. And it took so much work from Luke to bring the sliver of Anakin that resides within Vader, sacrifice, compassion, love. "Father, please." The duality of Vader and Anakin is so fascinating.


That's a great point!! There was something left in there for sure. Oh I know, Luke really had to sacrifice - almost dying for it - to make him realize that. I truly think Vader/Anakin is one of the most interesting characters, and that's saying something because there are SO many good characters in this universe!!!


I love how this whole episode was a chess game flashing back to the sparring session. Vader pulling the ship down and just casually beating Reva, revealing he knew who she was the entire time was just amazing. This series is probably my favorite portrayal of Vader, it’s unreal!