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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 12 of REBELS!!!!  Oh wow guys, another great voice cameo here from Brent Spiner reprising his role as the senator who supposedly is on our side....poor Ezra, I can't imagine how much of a blow this must have been after losing so much.  And a big let down for our whole crew - as if they didn't feel targeted enough in the galaxy, losing an ally is not what they needed!!  I'm holding out hope for Ezra's parents and I'm just glad this crew has each other!!  Can't wait for more!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 1x12 full reaction.mp4



In terms of Chopper 'voice', you might want to watch the credits in the last episode ever of Rebels :-)


I'm just impressed you seem able to understand what Chopper is saying no matter who is really saying it: I can never understand Chopper, for some reason! But yes it is intriguing :-)


Hahaha thank you! I speak bee boop :D And wah wah too apparently lol. Oooh I'm very curious now, can't wait to find out more!


I can’t remember in which of your reactions you thought Chopper was swearing, and I must say that after you pointed it out it did seem that he had done. It never occurred to me (I’m clearly naive!) until you pointed it out that they would do that on a ‘kids’ show. Very sneaky 😀


Hahaha I'm glad I could shed some light on it! :P I do speak Chopper after all :D Yeah much like the kids shows of my day, there's always some less kid-friendly stuff tucked in there somewhere lol :P